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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (5): 439-444    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.05.003
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徐越, 胡秀静, 陈赫妮, 张雪海, 吴青青, 姚丁铭, 徐水洋
浙江省疾病预防控制中心健康教育所,浙江 杭州 310051
Current status of cigarette and electronic cigarette use among adults in Zhejiang Province
XU Yue, HU Xiujing, CHEN Heni, ZHANG Xuehai, WU Qingqing, YAO Dingming, XU Shuiyang
Department of Health Education, Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
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摘要 目的 了解浙江省成人卷烟和电子烟使用情况,为控烟工作提供依据。方法 于2020年采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,抽取浙江省30个现场调查点15~69岁常住居民为调查对象。参考全国成人烟草调查问卷设计问卷,收集调查对象的人口学信息、卷烟和电子烟使用情况、戒烟及二手烟暴露情况。采用2020年第七次全国人口普查资料加权计算吸烟率、现在吸烟率、电子烟现在使用率、戒烟率和二手烟暴露率等。结果 回收问卷19 200份,有效问卷19 180份,问卷有效率为99.90%。调查对象年龄为(50.30±12.90)岁,男女性别比为1∶1.06,城乡人口比为1∶1.31。吸烟6 033人,占31.45%;现在吸烟4 163人,占21.70%;电子烟现在使用201人,占1.05%;卷烟和电子烟双重使用146人,占0.76%;戒烟1 870人,占吸烟人数的31.00%;二手烟暴露7 189人,占不吸烟人数的47.87%。加权后浙江省现在吸烟率为20.49%,电子烟现在使用率为1.34%,卷烟和电子烟双重使用率为0.94%,戒烟率为29.56%,二手烟暴露率为49.53%。男性现在吸烟率、电子烟现在使用率、卷烟和电子烟双重使用率、二手烟暴露率分别为40.39%、2.39%、1.86%和55.31%;女性分别为0.35%、0.28%、<0.01%和46.02%。55~<65岁居民现在吸烟率较高,为24.24%;25~<35岁居民电子烟现在使用率、卷烟和电子烟双重使用率较高,分别为2.18%和1.58%。结论 2020年浙江省成人电子烟现在使用率高于全国水平,现在吸烟率虽低于全国,但仍需强化公共场所控烟管理、加强戒烟服务能力建设,降低人群卷烟和电子烟使用。
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关键词 吸烟电子烟二手烟戒烟    
AbstractObjective To investigate the prevalence of cigarette and electronic cigarette ( e-cigarette ) use among adults in Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into tobacco control. Methods Thirty study sites were randomly sampled from Zhejiang Province in 2020 using a multi-stage stratified random sampling method, and permanent residents at ages of 15 to 69 years were selected as study subjects. A questionnaire was designed based on the questionnaire for the China Adult Tobacco Survey to collect subjects' demographic characteristics, cigarette and e-cigarette use, smoking cessation and exposure to secondhand smoke ( SHS ). The weighted prevalence of smoking, current smoking, current e-cigarette smoking, smoking cessation and exposure to SHS was estimated based on the Seventh National Population Census in 2020. Results A total of 19 200 questionnaires were recovered, and 19 180 were valid, with an effective recovery rate of 99.90%. The respondents had a mean age of ( 50.30±12.90 ) years, with a male to female ratio of 1∶1.06 and an urban/rural population ratio of 1∶1.31. Among all the respondents, there were 6 033 smokers ( 31.45% ), 4 163 current smokers ( 21.70% ), 201 current e-cigarette users ( 1.05% ), 146 cigarette and e-cigarette dual users ( 0.76% ), 1 870 respondents quitting smoking ( 31.00% of smokers ) and 7 189 respondents with exposure to SHS ( 47.87% of non-smokers ). The weighted prevalence of smoking, current e-cigarette use, cigarette and e-cigarette dual uses, smoking cessation and exposure to SHS was 20.49%, 1.34%, 0.94%, 29.56% and 49.53% in Zhejiang Province, respectively, and the prevalence of current smoking, current e-cigarette use, cigarette and e-cigarette dual uses and exposure to SHS was 40.39%, 2.39%, 1.86% and 55.31% among males and 0.35%, 0.28%, <0.01% and 46.02% among females, respectively. The highest prevalence of current smoking was seen among respondents at ages of 55 to 64 years ( 24.24% ), while the highest prevalence of current e-cigarette use and cigarette and e-cigarette dual uses was seen in adults at ages of 25 to 34 years ( 2.18% and 1.58% ). Conclusions The prevalence of current e-cigarette use was higher among adults in Zhejiang Province in 2020 than the nationwide level in China. The prevalence of cigarette use was lower among adults in Zhejiang Province in 2020 than the nationwide level in China; however, improving the management of tobacco control in public places and the capacity building of smoking cessation services is still required to reduce the use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
Key wordssmoking    electronic cigarette    secondhand smoke    smoking cessation
收稿日期: 2022-03-22      修回日期: 2022-04-06     
中图分类号:  R163  
通信作者: 徐水洋,   
作者简介: 徐越,硕士,主要从事健康监测与控烟干预工作
徐越, 胡秀静, 陈赫妮, 张雪海, 吴青青, 姚丁铭, 徐水洋. 浙江省成人卷烟和电子烟使用现况调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(5): 439-444.
XU Yue, HU Xiujing, CHEN Heni, ZHANG Xuehai, WU Qingqing, YAO Dingming, XU Shuiyang. Current status of cigarette and electronic cigarette use among adults in Zhejiang Province. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(5): 439-444.
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