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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (7): 705-709    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.07.012
  疾病监测 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
周少磊, 刘波, 王鹏, 郑旭, 董静
北京市通州区疾病预防控制中心环境卫生科,北京 101100
Health risk assessment of arsenic exposure in rural drinking water in Tongzhou District, Beijing Municipality
ZHOU Shaolei, LIU Bo, WANG Peng, ZHENG Xu, DONG Jing
Department of Environmental Health, Tongzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 101100, China
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摘要 目的 了解北京市通州区农村饮用水砷暴露水平,并评价砷暴露导致的健康风险,为改善农村饮用水质量提供参考。方法 于2019年4—6月对通州区7个乡镇196个村的自备井进行水样采集,依据GB/T 5750.6—2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标》检测饮用水中砷浓度。采用美国环境保护署(EPA)环境风险评估模型评价饮用水中砷的致癌风险和非致癌风险。结果 采集水样520份,砷浓度为0.001 2~0.050 0 mg/L,砷浓度超标67份,超标率为12.88%。宋庄镇、漷县镇、潞城镇、张家湾镇和永乐店镇的超标率分别为57.69%、17.24%、12.20%、6.52%和1.31%;马驹桥镇和台湖镇未超标。饮用水砷致癌风险为3.135 7×10-4/a,超过最大可接受风险。各乡镇砷致癌风险均超过最大可接受风险,其中宋庄镇最高,为9.648 2×10-4/a。60~<80岁男性砷致癌风险较高,为3.012 8×10-4/a;≥80岁女性砷致癌风险较高,为2.949 0×10-4/a。饮用水砷非致癌风险为0.696 8,为较低风险。漷县镇和宋庄镇砷非致癌风险较高,分别为1.009 5和2.144 1。60~<80岁男性砷非致癌风险较高,为0.669 5,≥80岁女性砷非致癌风险较高,为0.655 3。结论 2019年通州区农村地区饮用水砷超标率较高,存在健康风险,尤其对60岁以上人群致癌风险最高,应采取有效措施降低饮用水中砷浓度。
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关键词 生活饮用水风险评估    
AbstractObjective To investigate the level of arsenic exposure in rural drinking water and to assess the health risk caused by exposure to arsenic in Tongzhou District, Beijing Municipality in 2019, so as to provide insights into improving the quality of rural drinking water. Methods Water samples were collected from self-provided wells in 196 villages of 7 townships in Tongzhou District from April to June, 2019, and the arsenic levels were measured in drinking water according to Standard examination methods for drinking water-Metal parameters (GB/T 5750.6-2006). The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of arsenic were evaluated in drinking water using the environmental risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Results Totally 520 water samples were collected, and the median arsenic concentration was 0.001 2-0.050 0 mg/L. There were 67 water samples with arsenic levels exceeding the defined standard level (12.88%), and the proportions of arsenic levels exceeding the defined standard level were 57.69%, 17.24%, 12.20%, 6.52% and 1.31% in Songzhuang, Huoxian, Lucheng, Zhangjiawan and Yongdedian townships, and the arsenic levels did not exceed the defined standard level in Majuqiao or Taihu townships. The carcinogenic risk of arsenic was 3.135 7×10-4/a in drinking water, which exceeded the maximum acceptable risk, and the carcinogenic risk of arsenic all exceeded the maximum acceptable risk, with the highest value seen in Songzhuang Township (9.648 2×10-4/a). A high carcinogenic risk of arsenic was seen in men at ages of 60 to 80 years (3.012 8×10-4/a) and in women at ages of 80 years and older (2.949 0×10-4/a). The non-carcinogenic risk of arsenic was 0.696 8 in drinking water, indicating a low risk, and were 1.009 5 and 2.144 1 in Huoxian and Songzhuang townships, indicating a high risk. In addition, a high non-carcinogenic risk of arsenic was seen in men at ages of 60 to 80 years (0.669 5) and in women at ages of 80 years and older (0.655 3). Conclusion There was a high proportion of arsenic levels exceeding the defined standard level in rural drinking water in Tongzhou District, 2019, and there was a health risk, notably with the highest carcinogenic risk seen in residents at ages of 60 years and older. Effective interventions are needed to reduce arsenic levels in drinking water.
Key wordsarsenic    drinking water    risk assessment
收稿日期: 2022-03-04      修回日期: 2022-05-25      出版日期: 2022-07-10
中图分类号:  R123.1  
通信作者: 刘波,   
作者简介: 周少磊,硕士,主管医师,主要从事环境卫生与人群健康研究工作
周少磊, 刘波, 王鹏, 郑旭, 董静. 北京市通州区农村饮用水砷暴露健康风险评估[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(7): 705-709.
ZHOU Shaolei, LIU Bo, WANG Peng, ZHENG Xu, DONG Jing. Health risk assessment of arsenic exposure in rural drinking water in Tongzhou District, Beijing Municipality. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(7): 705-709.
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