Investigation on sleep quality among primary and middle school studentsin Zhoushan City
PAN Songtao1, CHEN Yan2, ZHANG Yongli2, ZHANG Sen3, WANG Anfen4, YAN Jianbo2
1. Zhoushan Stomatological Hospital Office, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316021, China; 2. Zhoushan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316021, China; 3. Dinghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316021, China; 4. Shengsi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shengsi, Zhejiang 202464, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the sleep status among primary and middle school students in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into improving the sleep quality among primary and middle school students. Methods A district and a county was selected using the cluster random sampling method from Zhoushan City in October, 2019, and grades 4 to 6 primary school students, junior high school and high school students were sampled as the study subjects. Students' gender, grade, residing in schools, duration of homework and duration of extracurricular classes were collected using the questionnaires of the 2019 national program for common diseases and health risk factors surveillance and intervention program among Chinese students. According to the Plan for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents, daily sleep duration of 10 h and longer among primary school students, 9 h and longer among junior high school students and 8 h and longer among high school students were defined as adequate sleep, and the proportion of adequate sleep was estimated among primary and middle school students. Results Totally 3 042 students were enrolled, including 1 587 boys (52.17%) and 1 455 girls (47.83%), 996 primary school students (32.74%), 1 030 junior high school students (33.86%), 758 ordinary high school students (24.92%) and 258 vocational high school students (8.48%). The mean sleep duration was (9.23±1.10) h among primary school students, (8.09±1.05) h among junior high school students, (7.20±1.26) h among ordinary high school students and (7.97±1.03) h among vocational high school students, respectively, and the proportion of adequate sleep was 26.31% among primary school students, 22.82% among junior high school students, 22.56% among ordinary high school students and 66.67% among vocational high school students, respectively. A relatively higher proportion of adequate sleep was seen among primary school students in Grade 4 (33.63%) and with homework duration of less than 1 h (34.53%); among junior high school students in Grade 1 (37.76%), residing in schools (40.00%), studying in county schools (30.87%), with homework duration of less than 1 h (34.69%) and less than 1 h duration of extracurricular classes (33.33%); among male ordinary high school students (28.03%), and ordinary high school students in Grade 1 (28.30%), residing in schools (26.18%) and studying in district schools (25.83%); among male vocational high school students (69.06%) and vocational high school students residing in schools (73.14%). Conclusion The proportion of adequate sleep is low among primary and middle school students in Zhoushan City. The homework duration and duration of extracurricular classes are recommended to be reduced to ensure adequate sleep among primary and middle school students.
潘松涛, 陈艳, 张永利, 张森, 王安芬, 严剑波. 舟山市中小学生睡眠情况调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(6): 626-630.
PAN Songtao, CHEN Yan, ZHANG Yongli, ZHANG Sen, WANG Anfen, YAN Jianbo. Investigation on sleep quality among primary and middle school studentsin Zhoushan City. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(6): 626-630.
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