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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 622-625    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.06.015
  疾病控制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
由娜1, 潘洁滢1, 阮慧红2
1.广州市番禺区慢性病防治站,广东 广州 511400;
2.化龙镇社区卫生服务中心,广东 广州 511400
Characteristics of injuries among primary and middle school students in Panyu District
YOU Na1, PAN Jieying1, RUAN Huihong2
1. Panyu District Center for Chronic Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou, Guangdong 511400, China;
2. Hualong Township Community Health Service Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong 511400, China
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摘要 目的 分析广州市番禺区中小学生伤害特征,为制定中小学生伤害预防和干预措施提供依据。方法 收集2014—2019年在番禺区中心医院因伤害首诊的6~18岁中小学生病例资料,采用描述性流行病学方法分析中小学生伤害病例的人群分布、伤害发生原因、伤害发生时间和地点等特征。结果 2014—2019年番禺区共报告中小学生伤害10 833例,其中男生7 401例,女生3 432例,男女性别比为2.16∶1;小学生6 903例,占63.72%。伤害发生原因主要为跌倒/坠落、动物伤、钝器伤、刀/锐器伤和交通伤害,分别为4 457、2 593、1 682、923和731例,占41.14%、23.94%、15.53%、8.52%和6.75%。伤害发生地点主要为家、学校与公共场所、公路/街道,分别为4 267、3 184和1 854例,占39.39%、29.39%和17.11%。伤害发生时间以8—10月为主,3 289例占30.36%。伤害发生时活动主要为休闲活动、生命活动和体育活动,分别为3 860、2 662和1 929例,占35.63%、24.57%和17.81%。伤害性质主要为挫伤/擦伤、锐器伤/咬伤/开放伤和骨折,分别为4 528、4 019和871例,占41.80%、37.10%和8.04%。伤害部位主要为上肢,3 552例占32.79%。轻度伤害9 877例,占91.18%。治疗后离开10 451例,占96.47%。结论 番禺区中小学生伤害主要原因为跌倒/坠落,男生和小学生是伤害发生的高危人群。应重视家庭防范,加强中小学生长假期间和休闲活动时的伤害宣传教育。
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关键词 伤害跌倒中小学生    
AbstractObjective To investigate the injury characteristics among primary and middle school students in Panyu District, Guangzhou City, so as to provide the evidence for developing the strategies for prevention and control of injuries. Methods The data of 6 to 18 years old primary and middle school students with initial diagnosis of injury at Panyu District Central Hospital from 2014 to 2019 were collected. The basic characteristics of injury cases, the causes, time and place of injury development were analyzed by a descriptive epidemiological method. Results Totally 10 833 primary and middle school students with injury were reported in Panyu District from 2014 to 2019, including 7 401 boys and 3 432 girls, with a boy/girl ratio of 2.16∶1. The injury predominantly occurred in primary school students (6 903 cases, 63.72%). The causes of injury mainly included fall (4 457 cases, 41.14%), animal injury (2 593 cases, 23.94%), blunt injury (1 682 cases, 15.53%), knife/sharp instrument injury (923 cases, 8.52%) and traffic injury (731 cases, 6.75%). The place of injury development mainly included home (4 267 cases, 39.39%), school and public place (3 184 cases, 29.39%), and road/street (1 854 cases, 17.11%). The injury predominantly occurred from August to October (3 289 cases, 30.36%), and the activities at the time of injury mainly included leisure activities (3 860 cases, 35.63%), life activities (2 662 cases, 24.57%) and sports (1 929 cases, 17.81%). The characteristics of injury mainly included contusion/abrasion (4 528 cases, 41.80%), sharp instrument/bite/open injury (4 019 cases, 37.10%) and fracture (871 cases, 8.04%), and the upper limb was the main injury site (3 552 cases, 32.79%). There were 9 877 cases with mild injuries (91.18%), and 10 451 cases left hospitals after seeing a doctor (96.47%). Conclusions Fall is the main causes of injury among primary and middle school students in Panyu District, and boys and primary school students are high-risk groups for injury. Family prevention should be emphasized, and health education pertaining to injury should be intensified among students during the long holidays and leisure activities.
Key wordsinjury    fall    primary and middle school student
收稿日期: 2022-01-12      修回日期: 2022-03-15      出版日期: 2022-06-10
中图分类号:  R179  
作者简介: 由娜,硕士,主管医师,主要从事慢性病监测及管理工作
通信作者: 阮慧红,   
由娜, 潘洁滢, 阮慧红. 番禺区中小学生伤害特征分析[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(6): 622-625.
YOU Na, PAN Jieying, RUAN Huihong. Characteristics of injuries among primary and middle school students in Panyu District. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(6): 622-625.
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