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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 616-621    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.06.014
  疾病控制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
江南, 高静, 吴燕芳, 杨艳娜
北京市通州区疾病预防控制中心营养与食品卫生科,北京 101100
Factors affecting poor eyesight among primary and middle schoolstudents in Tongzhou District
JIANG Nan, GAO Jing, WU Yanfang, YANG Yanna
Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Tongzhou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 101100,China
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摘要 目的 了解北京市通州区中小学生视力不良情况并分析其影响因素,为制定中小学生视力不良防控策略提供依据。方法 于2020—2021年采用分层整群随机抽样方法,分别抽取通州区城区和乡镇的小学三~六年级、初中一~三年级和高中一~三年级学生为调查对象。采用2018年全国学生常见病及健康危险因素监测项目的学生视力不良及影响因素专项调查表,收集基本信息、每日运动和睡眠时间以及用眼习惯等资料;测量身高和体重,筛查视力;采用多因素logistic回归模型分析中小学生视力不良的影响因素。结果 有效调查771人,其中男生392人,占50.84%;女生379人,占49.16%。小学生321人,占41.63%;初中学生228人,占29.57%;高中学生222人,占28.79%。检出视力不良567例,视力不良率为73.54%。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,学段(初中,OR=2.940,95%CI:1.931~4.476;高中,OR=5.998,95%CI:3.701~9.723)、肥胖(OR=1.989,95%CI:1.258~3.146)、运动时间<1 h/d(OR=1.931,95%CI:1.351~2.760)、睡眠时间<8 h/d(OR=1.719,95%CI:1.193~2.477)、眼距离书本至少33 cm(偶尔,OR=2.165,95%CI:1.320~3.550;从不,OR=2.634,95%CI:1.767~3.928)和持续近距离用眼时间≥1 h/d(OR=1.455,95%CI:1.020~2.078)与中小学生视力不良存在统计学关联。结论 通州区中小学生视力不良率较高,年级升高、肥胖、运动与睡眠时间不足、用眼习惯不良可能增加视力不良风险。
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关键词 视力不良中小学生肥胖睡眠时间    
AbstractObjective To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of poor eyesight among primary and middle school students in Tongzhou District, Beijing Municipality, so as to provide the evidence for developing control strategies for poor eyesight among primary and middle school students. Methods Grades 3 to 6 students in district- and township-level primary schools, grades 1 to 3 students in district- and township-level junior high schools, and grades 1 to 3 district- and township-level high schools were sampled in Tongzhou District using the stratified cluster sampling method from 2020 to 2021. Basic information, daily activity, sleep duration and eye-using habits were collected using the specific questionnaires for poor eyesight and influencing factors among students in the 2018 national program for common diseases and health risk factors surveillance program among Chinese students, and the height and body weight were measured. Factors affecting poor eyesight were among primary and middle school students identified using a multivariable logistic regression model. Results A total of 771 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the respondents included 392 male students (50.84%) and 379 female students (49.16%), and 321 primary school students (41.63%), 228 junior high school students (29.57%) and 222 high school students (28.79%). The prevalence of poor eyesight was 73.54% among the respondents. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that education phase (junior high school, OR=2.940, 95%CI: 1.931-4.476; high school, OR=5.998, 95%CI: 3.701-9.723) , obesity (OR=1.989, 95%CI: 1.258-3.146), daily exercise duration of less than 1 h (OR=1.931, 95%CI: 1.351-2.760), daily sleep duration of less than 8 h (OR=1.719, 95%CI: 1.193-2.477), at least 33 cm distance between a reading book and eyes (sometimes, OR=2.165, 95%CI: 1.320-3.550; never, OR=2.634, 95%CI: 1.767-3.928) and continuous short-distance eye use duration of 1 h and longer (OR=1.455, 95%CI: 1.020-2.078) were associated with poor eyesight among primary and middle school students. Conclusions The prevalence of poor eyesight is high among primary and middle school students in Tongzhou District. Higher grade, obesity, inadequate exercise and sleep duration and poor eye-using habits may increase the risk of poor eyesight.
Key wordspoor eyesight    primary and middle student    sleep duration
收稿日期: 2022-03-28      修回日期: 2022-04-14      出版日期: 2022-06-10
中图分类号:  R770.42  
作者简介: 江南,本科,副主任医师,主要从事学生营养与健康教育研究工作
通信作者: 江南,   
江南, 高静, 吴燕芳, 杨艳娜. 通州区中小学生视力不良的影响因素分析[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(6): 616-621.
JIANG Nan, GAO Jing, WU Yanfang, YANG Yanna. Factors affecting poor eyesight among primary and middle schoolstudents in Tongzhou District. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(6): 616-621.
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