Factors affecting donation-associated adverse reactions among volunteer blood donors
JIANG Qiaoxiang1, LIU Liyan1, XU Xuemei1, PAN Lingling2
1. Department of Blood Donation Management, Quzhou Blood Center, Quzhou, Zhejiang 324000, China; 2. The First Department of Blood Donation Service, Blood Center of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China
Abstract:Objective To identify the factors affecting donation-associated adverse reactions among volunteer blood donors, so as to provide the evidence for improving the quality of blood donation services. Methods The volunteer blood donors in Quzhou Blood Center in 2019 were recruited. The Self-rating Anxiety Scale ( SAS ), Social Support Rating Scale ( SSRS ) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI ) scores were measured prior to blood donation, and the presence of donation-associated adverse reactions was observed in the field of blood donation and within one week through short-message-service follow-up. The factors affecting donation-associated adverse reactions were identified using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 8 240 volunteer blood donors were enrolled, and adverse reactions occurred in 236 subjects, with an incidence rate of 2.86%. The SSRS, PSQI and SAS scores were 37.68±7.14, 5.97±1.25 and 52.82±3.25 among the donors with adverse reactions, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified the educational level ( high school, OR=0.508, 95%CI: 0.289-0.891; diploma and above, OR=0.306, 95%CI: 0.253-0.734 ), SSRS score ( OR=0.399, 95%CI: 0.175-0.913 ), PSQI score ( OR=1.962, 95%CI: 1.116-3.450 ) and SAS score ( OR=2.013, 95%CI: 1.279-3.903 ) as factors affecting donation-associated adverse reactions. Conclusion The development of donation-associated adverse reactions correlates with educational level, social support, sleep quality and anxiety among volunteer blood donors.
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