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预防医学  2023, Vol. 35 Issue (6): 533-537    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2023.06.016
  疾病控制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
陈蓉1, 林静静2, 秦家胜1, 陆凤2
1.长兴县疾病预防控制中心慢性病与地方病防制科,浙江 长兴 313199;
2.浙江省疾病预防控制中心,浙江 杭州 310051
Associations of sleep quality with physical activity and sitting time among middle-aged and elderly populations
CHEN Rong1, LIN Jingjing2, QIN Jiasheng1, LU Feng2
1. Department of Non-communicable and Endemic Disease Control and Prevention, Changxing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changxing, Zhejiang 313199, China;
2. Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
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摘要 目的 分析中老年人群睡眠质量与体力活动、静坐时间的关联,为改善中老年人群睡眠质量提供依据。方法 采用方便抽样法,于2019—2020年选择浙江省长兴县45~69岁中老年人为调查对象,通过调查问卷收集人口学信息和生活行为资料;采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表评估睡眠质量;采用全球体力活动问卷评估体力活动水平和静坐时间;采用多因素logistic回归模型分析睡眠质量与体力活动、静坐时间的关联。结果 调查7 170人,其中男性2 780人,占38.77%。睡眠质量差643人,占8.97%。体力活动水平0~<80、80~<880、880~<9 240、≥9 240 min/周分别为1 780、1 803、1 787和1 800人,占24.83%、25.15%、24.92%和25.10%。静坐时间≤1、>1~2、>2 h/d分别为2 535、2 259和2 376人,占35.36%、31.51%和33.14%。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,调整性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、家庭人均年收入、吸烟、饮酒和患慢性病数量后,与体力活动水平0~<80 min/周相比,体力活动水平880~<9 240 min/周(OR=0.705,95%CI:0.565~0.880)、≥9 240 min/周(OR=0.476,95%CI:0.364~0.622)的中老年人睡眠质量较好;与静坐时间>1~2 h/d相比,静坐时间>2 h/d的中老年人睡眠质量较差(OR=1.303,95%CI:1.053~1.613)。睡眠质量与体力活动的关联在女性中更为显著(OR:0.369~0.734,95%CI:0.258~0.950);睡眠质量与体力活动(OR:0.427~0.648,95%CI:0.282~0.917)、静坐时间(OR=1.406,95%CI:1.010~1.958)的关联在55~<65岁人群中更为显著。结论 中老年人群睡眠质量差与低体力活动水平、长时间静坐有关。
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关键词 睡眠质量体力活动静坐时间中老年人    
AbstractObjective To examine the associations of sleep quality with physical activity and sitting time among middle-aged and elderly community populations, so as to provide insights into improving sleep quality among middle-aged and elderly populations. Methods Middle-aged and elderly residents aged 45-69 years were recruited using the convenient sampling method in Changxing County of Zhejiang Province from 2019 to 2020. Participants' demographic characteristics and living behaviors were collected using questionnaires. Sleep quality was evaluated using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and physical activity level and sitting time were evaluated using Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. The associations of sleep quality with physical activity and sitting time were evaluated using a multivariable logistic regression model. Results A total of 7 170 middle-aged and elderly residents were recruited, including 2 780 men (38.77%). The overall prevalence of poor sleep quality was 8.97%. There were 1 780 (24.83%) participants with a physical activity of 0 to <80 min/week, 1 803 (25.15%) with a physical activity of 80 to <880 min/week, 1 787 (24.92%) with a physical activity of 880 to <9 240 min/week, and 1 800 (25.10%) with a physical activity of 9 240 min/week and longer, and there were 2 535 (35.36%) participants with sitting time of 1 h/d and shorter, 2 259 (31.51%) with sitting time of >1 to 2 h/d and 2 376 (33.14%) with sitting time of over 2 h/d, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the middle-aged and elderly residents with a physical activity of 880 to <9 240 min/week (OR=0.705, 95%CI: 0.565-0.880) and 9 240 min/week and longer (OR=0.476, 95%CI: 0.364-0.622) had better sleep than those with a physical activity of 0 to <80 min/week after adjustment for gender, age, marital status, annual mean household income, smoking, alcohol consumption and number of chronic diseases, and poorer sleep quality was observed among middle-aged and elderly residents with sitting time of over 2 h/d than among those with sitting time of >1 to 2 h/d (OR=1.303, 95%CI: 1.053-1.613). In addition, the association between sleep quality and physical activity was more significant among women (OR: 0.369-0.734, 95%CI: 0.258-0.950), and the associations of sleep quality with physical activity (OR: 0.427-0.648, 95%CI: 0.282-0.917) and sitting time (OR=1.406, 95%CI: 1.010-1.958) were more significant among participants at ages of 55 to <65 years. Conclusion Poor sleep quality correlates with low-intensity physical activity and long sitting time among middle-aged and elderly populations.
Key wordssleep quality    physical activity    sitting time    middle-aged and elderly populations
收稿日期: 2023-01-30      修回日期: 2023-03-24      出版日期: 2023-06-10
中图分类号:  R195  
作者简介: 陈蓉,本科,主管医师,主要从事慢性病预防与控制工作
通信作者: 林静静,   
陈蓉, 林静静, 秦家胜, 陆凤. 中老年人群睡眠质量与体力活动、静坐时间的关联研究[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(6): 533-537.
CHEN Rong, LIN Jingjing, QIN Jiasheng, LU Feng. Associations of sleep quality with physical activity and sitting time among middle-aged and elderly populations. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(6): 533-537.
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