Abstract:Objective To investigate the compliance of functional exercises and identify its influencing factors among young and middle-aged stroke patients, so as to provide insights into rehabilitation management among young and middle-aged stroke patients. Methods Stroke patients at ages of 18 to 59 years were recruited from those receiving rehabilitation treatment in Tongde Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang Chinese Medical University from January 2021 to June 2022. Participants' demographics and clinical data were collected through questionnaire surveys. The compliance of functional exercises was assessed using Stroke Functional Exercise Adherence Questionnaire, and patients' social support, exercise self-efficacy and depression were assessed using the Social Support Rating Scale, Exercise Self-efficacy Scale and Self-rating Depression Scale. The factors affecting functional exercise compliance were identified among young and middle-aged stroke patients with a multivariable linear regression model. Results A total of 230 questionnaires were allocated and 213 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 92.61%. The respondents included 129 men (60.56%) and 84 women (39.44%) and had a mean age of (53.49±7.95) years. The total score of functional exercise compliance was (41.37±9.11) points among the participants. Multivariable linear regression analysis identified education level (β'=0.376), monthly household income per capita (β'=0.309), history of stroke onset (β'=-0.238), rehabilitation instruction (β'=0.284), depression (β'=-0.261), exercise self-efficacy (β'=0.152), and social support level (β': 0.277 to 0.415) as factors affecting the functional exercise compliance among young and middle-aged stroke patients. Conclusion Education level, income, history of stroke onset, depression, exercise self-efficacy and social support may affect the compliance of exercise compliance among young and middle-aged stroke patients.
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