Abstract:Objective To investigate the incidence of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in Hangzhou City from 2017 to 2021, so as to provide insights into safety monitoring and evaluation for HPV vaccines. Methods The AEFI caused by immunization of bivalent (HPV2), quadrivalent (HPV4) and nonavalent HPV vaccines (HPV9) reported in Hangzhou City from 2017 to 2021 were captured from the AEFI Surveillance Module of Chinese Disease Control and Prevention Information System, and HPV vaccination data were captured from the Zhejiang Municipal Immunization Information Management System. The incidence, temporal distributions and clinical symptoms of AEFI were analyzed. Results Totally 922 310 doses of HPV vaccines were immunized in Hangzhou City from 2017 to 2021, and 232 cases with AEFI were reported, with an overall incidence rate of 25.15/105 doses. The reported incidence rates of AEFI caused by HPV2, HPV4 and HPV9 vaccination were 31.13/105 doses, 25.93/105 doses and 22.01/105 doses, respectively. General reactions and abnormal reactions were predominant AEFI, and the reported incidence rates of general reactions and abnormal reactions were 21.58/105 doses and 2.60/105 dose, respectively. AEFI predominantly occurred 0 to 1 day post-immunization (165 cases, 71.12%), and the main clinical symptoms included local swelling of injection sites, hard tubercle and fever, with reported incidence rates of 10.30/105 doses, 5.96/105 doses and 6.18/105 doses, respectively. Conclusions Low incidence of AEFI was reported following HPV vaccination in Hangzhou City from 2017 to 2021, and all AEFI were mild. The safety of HPV2, HPV4 and HPV9 remains high.
江伟, 刘艳, 杜渐, 许玉洋, 车鑫仁, 王婧, 王骏, 张学潮, 顾雯雯, 张小平. 2017—2021年杭州市HPV疫苗疑似预防接种异常反应监测结果[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(1): 71-73,77.
JIANG Wei, LIU Yan, DU Jian, XU Yuyang, CHE Xinren, WANG Jing, WANG Jun, ZHANG Xuechao, GU Wenwen, ZHANG Xiaoping. Surveillance of adverse events following immunization with human papillomavirus vaccines in Hangzhou City from 2017 to 2021. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(1): 71-73,77.
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