Trends in incidence and mortality of stroke in Ningbo Cityfrom 2012 to 2021
ZHANG Ruijie1,2, JI Wei3, HAN Liyuan1,2, ZHANG Liang3
1. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Digestive System Tumors, Ningbo NO.2 Hospital, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315010, China; 2. Center for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Epidemiology and Translational Medicine, Ningbo Institute of Life and Health Industry, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315010, China; 3. Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315010, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the trends in incidence and mortality of stroke in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province from 2012 to 2021, so as to provide the evidence for improving the stroke control strategy in Ningbo City. Methods Data pertaining to the stroke incidence and mortality in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021 were captured from Ningbo Municipal Chronic Disease Collaborative Management System, and the incidence and mortality of stroke was estimated and standardized by the Sixth National Population Census in 2010. The trends in incidence and mortality of stroke were evaluated using annual percent change (APC) in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021. Results A total of 185 747 residents with stroke were reported in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021. The crude incidence of stroke was 312.78/105 in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021, which appeared a tendency towards a rise (APC=2.429%, t=5.507, P<0.001), and the standardized incidence of stroke was 188.86/105, with no remarkable changes seen (APC=-0.399%, t=-1.544, P=0.161). There were 47 355 deaths due to stroke in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021, and the crude and standardized mortality rates were 79.74/105 and 42.79/105, which both appeared a tendency towards a decline (APC=-4.778%, t=-6.867, P<0.001; APC=-8.269%, t=-13.729, P<0.001). Higher standardized incidence and mortality were seen among men (226.05/105 and 50.14/105) than among women (153.37/105 and 35.89/105), and the crude incidence and mortality of stroke appeared a tendency towards a rise with age (χ2trend=3 671.325, 1 419.107, both P<0.001). The standardized incidence and mortality of hemorrhagic stroke were 40.38/105 and 18.56/105, both showing a tendency towards a decline (APC=-5.042%, t=-12.958, P<0.001; APC=-11.570%, t=-14.979, P<0.001), and the standardized incidence of ischemic stroke was 143.91/105, appearing a tendency towards a rise (APC=1.254%, t=3.223, P=0.012), while the standardized mortality of ischemic stroke was 19.65/105, with no obvious changes seen (APC=-2.110%, t=-2.150, P=0.064). Conclusions The incidence of stroke appeared a tendency towards a rise and the mortality appeared a tendency towards a decline in Ningbo City from 2012 to 2021. Men and the elderly are at high risk of stroke.
张瑞洁, 纪威, 韩丽媛, 张良. 2012—2021年宁波市脑卒中发病和死亡趋势分析[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(3): 224-228.
ZHANG Ruijie, JI Wei, HAN Liyuan, ZHANG Liang. Trends in incidence and mortality of stroke in Ningbo Cityfrom 2012 to 2021. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(3): 224-228.
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