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预防医学  2023, Vol. 35 Issue (2): 155-157,161    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2023.02.016
  疾病控制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
赵冲1, 施文文2
1.杭州市富阳区第二人民医院普外二科,浙江 杭州 311400;
2.杭州市富阳区第二人民医院,浙江 杭州 311400
Characteristics of emergency injury incidents in sentinel hospitals of Fuyang District
ZHAO Chong1, SHI Wenwen2
1. Second Department of General Surgery, Fuyang No. 2 Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311400, China;
2. Fuyang No.2 Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311400, China
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摘要 目的 了解2015—2020年杭州市富阳区伤害监测哨点医院急诊就诊伤害病例的特征,为制定农村伤害预防和干预措施提供依据。方法 收集富阳区2家伤害监测哨点医院2015—2020年急诊就诊伤害病例资料,采用富阳区第七次全国人口普查数据对伤害病例发生率进行标化,并描述性分析伤害病例的人口学、伤害原因、严重程度和结局等特征。结果 2015—2020年富阳区2家伤害监测哨点医院报告急诊就诊伤害病例84 360例,年均标化发生率为15.85%。其中男性48 330例,占57.29%;女性36 030例,占42.71%。<19岁10 653例,占12.63%;19~<46岁25 398例,占30.11%;46~<71岁39 951例,占47.36%;≥71岁8 359例,占9.91%。就医方式以乘坐私家车(包括机动车和非机动车)为主,75 246例占89.20%。伤害原因以钝器伤、刺/割伤和跌倒/坠落伤为主,分别为23 668和22 855例,占28.06%和27.09%。轻伤45 961例,占54.48%;中度伤28 043例,占33.24%;重伤356例,占0.42%。伤害结局以医院处理后回家为主,74 401例占88.19%。<19岁病例轻伤为主,占81.48%,转院比例较高,为2.43%;≥71岁病例中度伤、重伤比例较高,分别占43.08%和0.77%,且住院和死亡的比例也较高,分别占18.71%和0.14%。结论 2015—2020年富阳区2家伤害监测哨点医院急诊就诊伤害病例以轻伤为主,伤害原因主要为钝器伤、刺/割伤和跌倒/坠落伤;不同年龄段的伤害病例特征存在差异。
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关键词 急诊伤害监测    
AbstractObjective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of injury cases admitted to department of emergency in sentinel hospitals in Fuyang District, Hangzhou City from 2015 to 2020, so as to provide insights into injury prevention and intervention in rural areas. Methods Data of injury cases were collected from the department of emergency of two sentinel hospitals in Fuyang District from 2015 to 2020, and the incidence of injury was standardized by the data from the China's seventh national population census in Fuyang District. The demographics, causes, severity and outcomes of injury were descriptively analyzed. Results Totally 84 360 injury cases were recorded in the department of emergency of two sentinel hospitals in Fuyang District from 2015 to 2020, and the annual average standardized incidence of injury was 15.85%. The injury cases included 48 330 men (57.29%) and 36 030 women (42.71%), and there were 10 653 cases at ages of <19 years (12.63%), 25 398 cases at ages of 19 to <46 years (30.11%), 39 951 cases at ages of 46 to <71 years (47.36%), and 8 359 cases at ages of 71 years and older (9.91%). Taking a private car (motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles) was the predominant way to seek medical care (75 246 cases, 89.20%). Blunt force injury and puncture wound/incision wound (23 668 cases, 28.06%), and fall injury (22 855 cases, 27.09%) were predominant causes of injury, and there were 45 961 cases with mild injury (54.48%), 28 043 cases with moderate injury (33.24%), and 356 cases with severe injury (0.42%). Returning home after hospital treatments was the predominant outcome of injury (74 401 cases, 88.19%). Mild injury was predominant among patients at ages of <19 years (81.48%), with a high rate of transfer to other hospitals (2.43%), and moderate to severe injury was predominant among patients at ages of 71 years and older (43.08% and 0.77%), with a high rate of hospital stay (18.71%) and a high mortality rate (0.14%). Conclusions Mild injury was predominant among patients admitted to the department of emergency of two sentinel hospitals in Fuyang District from 2015 to 2020, and blunt force injury, puncture wound/incision wound and fall injury were predominant causes of injury. There were age-specific epidemiological characteristics of injury cases.
Key wordsemergency    injury    surveillance
收稿日期: 2022-10-26      修回日期: 2022-12-26      出版日期: 2023-02-10
中图分类号:  R195  
通信作者: 施文文,   
作者简介: 赵冲,本科,主治医师,主要从事普通外科临床工作
赵冲, 施文文. 富阳区监测哨点医院急诊就诊伤害病例特征分析[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(2): 155-157,161.
ZHAO Chong, SHI Wenwen. Characteristics of emergency injury incidents in sentinel hospitals of Fuyang District. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(2): 155-157,161.
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