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预防医学  2021, Vol. 33 Issue (12): 1203-1208    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2021.12.003
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王瑾1, 晏小琼2, 凌瑞杰2, 李霜1
1.中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所,北京 100050;
Occupational stress, burnout, and coping styles among medical staff from a tertiary first-class hospital in Hubei Province
WANG Jin*, YAN Xiaoqiong, LING Ruijie, LI Shuang
*National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, 100050, China
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摘要 目的 了解湖北省某三级甲等医院医护人员职业紧张、职业倦怠和应对方式水平,分析应对方式在职业紧张与职业倦怠间的调节作用,为促进医务人员心理健康提供依据。方法 于2020年6—10月,按照2∶2∶1比例分层抽取某三级甲等医院临床医生、护士和医技/药技岗在职人员。采用中文版职业倦怠问卷、职业紧张测量核心量表和特质应对方式问卷分别评价职业倦怠、职业紧张和应对方式程度。采用线性分层回归模型分析应对方式对医护人员职业紧张与职业倦怠关系的调节作用。结果 发放问卷735份,回收有效问卷679份,回收有效率为92.38%。调查对象年龄为(34.29±8.20)岁。男性165人,占24.30%;女性514人,占75.70%。临床医生241人,占35.49%;护士358人,占52.72%;医技/药技岗80人,占11.78%。职业倦怠得分为(2.29±1.11)分,检出职业倦怠301人,占44.33%;职业紧张得分为(47.32±8.31)分;积极和消极应对方式得分分别为(30.64±6.06)分和(26.81±6.26)分。线性分层回归分析结果显示,职业紧张的社会支持(β=0.590,P<0.05)、组织和回报(β=0.523,P<0.05)维度分别与积极应对方式交互项对职业倦怠有正向影响,组织和回报维度与消极应对方式交互项(β=-0.666,P<0.05)对职业倦怠有负向影响。结论 湖北省某三级甲等医院医护人员中44.33%存在职业倦怠;应对方式在医护人员职业紧张与职业倦怠间发挥调节作用,积极应对方式有助于感知社会支持、组织支持,缓解职业紧张的不良影响,降低职业倦怠风险。
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关键词 医护人员职业紧张职业倦怠应对方式    
AbstractObjective To investigate the status of occupational stress, burnout, and coping styles, and to explore the moderating effects of coping styles on the relationship between occupational stress and burnout among medical staff from one tertiary first-class hospital in Hubei Province, in order to provide the basis for mental health promotion of medical staff. Methods From June to October in 2020, using stratified cluster sampling, doctors, nurses, and medical or pharmaceutical technicians on the ratio of 2∶2∶1 were selected from the tertiary first-class hospital. Chinese version of Burnout Questionnaire, Core Occupational Stress Scale (COSS) and Trait Coping Style Questionnaire were used to investigate the levels of burnout, occupational stress and coping styles. A linear stratified regression model was used to analyze the moderating effect of coping styles on the relationship between occupational stress and burnout. Results Among 735 questionnaires issued, 679 valid ones were collected, with the response rate of 92.38%. The age of the respondents was ( 34.29±8.20 ) years old. There were 165 ( 24.30% ) males and 514 ( 75.70% ) females, including 241 ( 35.49% ) doctors, 358 ( 52.72% ) nurses and 80 (11.78%) medical or pharmaceutical technicians. The burnout score was 2.29±1.11 , and the positive rate of burnout was 44.33%; the COSS score was 47.32±8.31; the positive and negative coping style scores were 30.64±6.06 and 26.81±6.26, respectively. The linear stratified regression analysis suggested that the interactions between social support ( β=0.590, P<0.05 ), organization and reward ( β=0.523, P<0.05 ), and positive coping style were positively associated with burnout, and the interaction between organization and reward (β=-0.666, P<0.05) and negative coping style was negatively associated with burnout. Conclusions About 44.33% of medical staff investigated have burnout. Coping styles have a moderating effect on the relationship between occupational stress and burnout. Positive coping style helps to perceive social support and organizational support, to alleviate the adverse effects of occupational stress, and to reduce the risk of burnout.
Key wordsmedical staff    occupational stress    burnout    coping styles
收稿日期: 2021-07-30      修回日期: 2021-10-08      出版日期: 2021-12-10
中图分类号:  R13  
作者简介: 王瑾,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事工作场所健康促进与职业紧张研究工作
通信作者: 李霜,   
王瑾, 晏小琼, 凌瑞杰, 李霜. 湖北省某三甲医院医护人员职业紧张、职业倦怠、应对方式调查[J]. 预防医学, 2021, 33(12): 1203-1208.
WANG Jin, YAN Xiaoqiong, LING Ruijie, LI Shuang. Occupational stress, burnout, and coping styles among medical staff from a tertiary first-class hospital in Hubei Province. Preventive Medicine, 2021, 33(12): 1203-1208.
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