Death of HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year in Jingzhou City from 1996 to 2021
LIN Maowen1, LIU Rui1, ZHANG Fan1, LI Shuchao1, LIU Jianzhao1, DOU Zhihui2, SUN Chun3
1. Department of AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jingzhou, Hubei 434000, China; 2. National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China; 3. Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jingzhou, Hubei 434000, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the characteristics of dead HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year after confirmatory testing in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province from 1996 to 2021, so as to provide the evidence for facilitating early identification and treatment of AIDS. Methods The basic and follow-up data of HIV/AIDS cases were retrieved from the HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Response Information System of Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System, and mortality density and its trend were evaluated within 1 year after confirmatory testing. The factors affecting death within 1 year after confirmatory testing were identified using a Cox proportional hazards model, and the demographics, detection, treatment and cause of death were analyzed among dead HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year after confirmatory testing. Results A total of 3 304 HIV/AIDS cases were included, with 508 deaths within 1 year after confirmatory testing. The overall mortality density was 17.43 per 100 person-years, and the mortality density appeared a tendency towards a reduction from 1996 to 2021 (χ2trend=21.053, P<0.001). Of all dead HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year after confirmatory testing, 77.76% were men, 67.72% at ages of 45 years and older, 83.86% with transmission by heterosexual contact, 83.66% identified in medical institutions, 62.20% without antiretroviral therapy, and 47.83% without detection of CD4+T cell count. Mortality that was not associated with AIDS was the predominant cause of death among dead HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year after confirmatory testing (58.86%). Age of 30 years and older (HR: 1.781-4.644, 95%CI: 1.073-7.784), identification in medical institutions (HR=2.130, 95%CI: 1.306-4.474), initial CD4+T cell count of <200 cells/μL (HR: 2.649-12.879, 95%CI: 1.669-19.189), no antiretroviral therapy (HR=7.945, 95%CI: 5.743-10.993) and initiation of antiretroviral therapy 4 to 12 months after confirmatory testing (HR=1.636, 95%CI: 1.005-2.662) resulted in a higher risk of mortality within 1 year after confirmatory testing. Conclusions The mortality density appeared a tendency towards a reduction among cases within 1 year after confirmatory testing in Jingzhou City from 1996 to 2021. Mortality within 1 year after confirmatory testing was associated with advanced age, heterosexual contact transmission, identification in medical institutions, low CD4+T cell counts, and delay or absence of antiretroviral therapy.
蔺茂文, 刘锐, 张凡, 李舒超, 刘建昭, 豆智慧, 孙春. 1996—2021年荆州市HIV/AIDS病例1年死亡分析[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(5): 396-400.
LIN Maowen, LIU Rui, ZHANG Fan, LI Shuchao, LIU Jianzhao, DOU Zhihui, SUN Chun. Death of HIV/AIDS cases within 1 year in Jingzhou City from 1996 to 2021. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(5): 396-400.
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