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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (11): 1181-1186    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.11.020
  健康教育 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
俞丹丹, 孙重秀, 李晨晨, 韩东方, 马瑞鸿, 王丽华
上海市金山区疾病预防控制中心食品儿少科,上海 201599
Survey on household eye hygiene among primary school students in Jinshan District
YU Dandan, SUN Chongxiu, LI Chenchen, HAN Dongfang, MA Ruihong, WANG Lihua
Shanghai Jinshan Disease Center for Prevention and Control, Department of Hygiene of Food and Adolescents, Shanghai 201599, China
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摘要 目的 了解上海市金山区小学三~五年级学生家庭用眼卫生,为儿童青少年近视防控提供依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,于2021年12月—2022年1月抽取金山区小学三~五年级学生为调查对象。观测家庭阅读环境,包括学习专用桌椅高度、桌面颜色和强度。通过问卷调查小学生放学后和周末的读写时间、视屏时间、户外活动时间、睡眠时间和用眼行为习惯。结果 调查330名小学生,其中男生179人,占54.24%;女生151人,占45.76%。三、四、五年级分别占36.36%、36.36%和27.27%。桌椅高度与身高不匹配占94.24%,使用深色桌面占25.45%,桌面反光占26.67%,读写照度<300 lx占48.48%。放学后读写时间≥1 h占56.36%,视屏时间≥0.5 h占15.76%,户外活动时间<1 h 占86.97%,睡眠时间<10 h占88.48%;周末读写时间≥2 h占42.42%,视屏时间≥1 h占29.70%,户外活动时间<2 h占65.45%,睡眠时间<10 h占55.76%。总是持续用眼每30~40 min休息10 min占28.18%。读写时总是胸口距离桌子10 cm、眼距离书本33 cm和手指距离笔尖3 cm分别占30.91%、26.36%和35.15%。视屏时总是距离电视机>3 m、距离电脑>50 cm和距离手机>40 cm分别占35.45%、40.91%和22.73%。结论 金山区小学三~五年级家庭用眼环境仍需改善,存在不良用眼行为,尤其是桌椅高度与身高不匹配和睡眠不足问题较为普遍。
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关键词 近视小学生家庭视觉行为健康教育    
AbstractObjective To investigate the household eye hygiene among students at grades 3 to 5 in primary schools in Jinshan District, Shanghai Municipality, so as to provide insights into the management of myopia among children and adolescents. Methods Students at grades 3 to 5 in primary schools were sampled in Jinshan District using a stratified cluster sampling method from December 2021 to January 2022. The household reading environments were observed, including the height of the learning desk and chair, desk surface color and strength. The duration of reading and writing, duration of watching TV and videos, duration of outdoor activities, duration of sleep and eye use behaviors and habits after school and at weekends were investigated using questionnaires. Results A total of 330 primary school students were surveyed, including 179 boys (54.24%) and 151 girls (45.76%), and there were 36.36% grade 3 primary school students, 36.36% grade 4 students and 27.27% grade 5 students. There were 94.24% of primary school students that used the desk and chair with heights mismatched to students' heights, 25.45% that used desks with dark surface, 26.67% that used desks with light reflection, and 48.48% that used desk lamps with an illumination intensity of <300 lx. There were 56.36% of students with reading and writing duration of 1 h and longer, 15.76% with watching duration of 0.5 h and longer, 86.97% with outdoor activity duration of <1 h and 88.48% with sleep duration of <10 h after school, and 42.42% with reading and writing duration of 2 h and longer, 29.70% with watching duration of 1 hour and longer, 65.45% with outdoor activity duration of <2 h and 55.76% with sleep duration of <10 h at weekends. There were 30.91% of primary school students with 10 cm distance from chest to desk, 26.36% with 33 cm distance from eyes to books and 35.15% with 3 cm distance from fingers to pen points when reading and writing, and 35.45% with >3 m distance from TV, 40.91% with >50 cm distance from computers, and 22.73% with >40 cm distance from cell phones when watching TV or videos. Conclusions The household eye use environments remain to be improved, and there are poor eye use behaviors among primary school students at grades 3 to 5 in Jinshan District, Shanghai Municipality; notably, mismatch between the desk and chair height and students' body height and inadequate sleep are common.
Key wordsmyopia    primary school    family    visual behavior    health education
收稿日期: 2022-07-04      修回日期: 2022-09-06      出版日期: 2022-11-10
中图分类号:  R778.1  
基金资助:2021—2022年上海市疾病预防控制青年骨干人才培养项目(21QNGG14); 2021年度上海市疾病预防控制中心创新特色项目
通信作者: 王丽华,主任医师,   
作者简介: 俞丹丹,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事学校卫生工作
俞丹丹, 孙重秀, 李晨晨, 韩东方, 马瑞鸿, 王丽华. 金山区小学生家庭用眼卫生调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(11): 1181-1186.
YU Dandan, SUN Chongxiu, LI Chenchen, HAN Dongfang, MA Ruihong, WANG Lihua. Survey on household eye hygiene among primary school students in Jinshan District. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(11): 1181-1186.
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