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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 641-643,648    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.06.019
  健康教育 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
施小萍1, 祝茂仙2
1.兰溪市人民医院公共卫生科,浙江 兰溪 321100;
2.兰溪市人民医院,浙江 兰溪 321100
Investigation on awareness and training needs of incontinence-associated dermatitis among clinical nurses
SHI Xiaoping1, ZHU Maoxian2
1. Department of Public Health, Lanxi People's Hospital, Lanxi, Zhejiang 321100, China;
2. Lanxi People's Hospitale, Lanxi, Zhejiang 321100, China
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摘要 目的 了解临床护士失禁性皮炎知识知晓情况及培训需求,为规范失禁性皮炎临床护理工作提供参考。方法 于2021年10月,选择兰溪市人民医院护龄1年以上的临床护士为调查对象,设计调查问卷收集基本信息、失禁性皮炎知识知晓情况和培训需求,描述性分析不同年龄、护龄、学历、职称和科室护士失禁性皮炎知识知晓情况。结果 发放问卷420份,回收有效问卷409份,回收有效率为97.38%。均为女性,年龄为(37.68±4.82)岁;护龄为(18.72±3.46)年。初级职称199人,占48.66%;中级职称169人,占41.32%;高级职称41人,占10.02%。本科及以上学历217人,占53.06%。内科和外科208人,占50.86%。失禁性皮炎知识总知晓率为74.57%,其中失禁性皮炎定义、失禁性皮炎与压疮的区别和疾病影响因素的知晓率较高,分别为86.06%、83.37%和82.15%。41~53岁(89.01%)、高级职称(94.24%)、护龄≥21年(92.97%)和近1年参加失禁性皮炎培训(77.41%)的护士失禁性皮炎知晓率较高(均P<0.05)。失禁性皮炎基础知识培训需求较高,396人占96.82%。结论 临床护士失禁性皮炎知晓率有待进一步提升,建议加强护士失禁性皮炎知识培训。
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关键词 护士失禁性皮炎认知健康教育    
AbstractObjective To investigate the awareness and training needs of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) among clinical nurses, so as to provide insights into the standardization of clinical nursing of IAD. Methods Clinical nurses with more than one year of service in Lanxi People's Hospital were selected as study subjects in October 2021. The demographics, awareness of IAD knowledge and training needs were collected using a self-designed questionnaire. The age-, duration of service-, academic degree-, professional title- and department-specific awareness of IAD knowledge was analyzed. Results A total of 420 questionnaires were allocated, and 409 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 97.38%. All respondents were females, with a mean age of (37.68±4.82) years, and a mean service duration of (18.72±3.46) years. There were 199 nurses with a primary title (48.66%), 169 nurses with a intermediate title (41.32%), and 41 nurses with a senior title (10.02%). There were 217 nurses with a bachelor degree or above (53.06%), and 208 nurses from internal medicine and surgery departments (50.86%). The overall awareness of IAD knowledge was 74.57% among the respondents, and the awareness rates of IAD definition, the difference between IAD and pressure ulcers and influencing factors of IAD were 86.06%, 83.37% and 82.15%, respectively. The nurses at ages of 41 to 53 years (89.01%), having a senior title (94.24%), with a nursing duration of 21 years and longer (92.97%) and participating in IAD training during the recent one year (77.41%) had a high awareness rate of IAD-related knowledge. There was a high proportion of needs for training on basic IAD-related knowledge (396 nurses, 96.82%). Conclusions The awareness of IAD knowledge requires to be improved among clinical nurses. The training on IAD knowledge is recommended to be improved.
Key wordsnurse    incontinence-associated dermatitis    awareness    health education
收稿日期: 2022-02-21      修回日期: 2022-04-14      出版日期: 2022-06-10
中图分类号:  R472  
作者简介: 施小萍,本科,副主任护师,主要从事医院健康教育工作
通信作者: 祝茂仙,   
施小萍, 祝茂仙. 临床护士失禁性皮炎认知及培训需求调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(6): 641-643,648.
SHI Xiaoping, ZHU Maoxian. Investigation on awareness and training needs of incontinence-associated dermatitis among clinical nurses. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(6): 641-643,648.
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