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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 571-576    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.06.005
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石晶1, 赵春艳1, 张国峰2
1.北京市通州区疾病预防控制中心免疫预防科,北京 101100;
2.北京市通州区疾病预防控制中心,北京 101100
Awareness of HPV and willingness to HPV vaccination among male university students in Tongzhou District
SHI Jing1, ZHAO Chunyan1, ZHANG Guofeng2
1. Department of Immunization and Prevention, Tongzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 101100, China;
2. Tongzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 101100, China
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摘要 目的 了解北京市通州区男大学生人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染相关知识、HPV疫苗接种意愿,为制定男性HPV疫苗接种策略提供参考。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法抽取通州区6所高校997名男大学生为调查对象,自行设计问卷对男大学生的HPV及相关疾病知识、HPV疫苗知识和接种意愿进行调查,并分析男大学生对HPV及相关疾病、HPV疫苗的知晓水平,HPV疫苗接种意愿及影响因素。结果 调查935人,年龄为(19.08±1.38)岁;北京市户籍570人,占60.96%。313名听说过HPV的男大学生中,HPV及相关疾病知晓率为59.42%。300名听说过HPV疫苗的男大学生中,HPV疫苗知晓率为75.33%。HPV疫苗愿意接种率为38.50%;非北京市户籍(χ2=3.971,P=0.046)、家庭人均年收入较高(χ2趋势=6.219,P=0.013)、学校或居住地距离预防接种门诊较近(χ2=19.238,P<0.001)、听说过HPV(χ2=11.188,P=0.001)、听说过HPV疫苗(χ2=14.548,P<0.001)、知晓HPV及相关疾病(χ2=16.855,P<0.001)和知晓HPV疫苗(χ2=19.299,P<0.001)的男大学生HPV疫苗接种意愿较高。结论 通州区男大学生对HPV及HPV疫苗的认识不足,接种意愿较低。提高对HPV及HPV疫苗的正确认知,提升预防接种服务可及性有助于提高男大学生HPV疫苗接种意愿。
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关键词 男大学生人乳头瘤病毒疫苗知晓率接种意愿    
AbstractObjective To investigate the awareness of knowledge about HPV infections and the willingness to HPV vaccination among male university students in Tongzhou District, Beijing Municipality, so as to provide insights into the formulation of the HPV vaccination strategy among males. Methods A total of 997 male university students in Tongzhou District were selected as the study subjects using a multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method, and a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the awareness of HPV infections and HPV vaccine, and willingness to HPV vaccination. In addition, the factors affecting the willingness to HPV vaccination were identified. Results A total of 935 subjects were enrolled, with a mean age of (19.08±1.38) years, and there were 570 subjects with a Beijing household registration (60.96%). Among the 313 male university students that had heard of HPV, the awareness of HPV and HPV-related diseases was 59.42%, and among the 300 male university students that had heard of HPV vaccines, the awareness of HPV vaccines was 75.33%. The willingness to HPV vaccination was 38.50%, and the willingness was high among male university students with a non-Beijing household registration ( χ2=3.971, P=0.046 ), high household annual income ( χ2trend=6.219, P=0.013 ), short distance to vaccination clinics ( χ2=19.238, P<0.001 ), having heard of HPV ( χ2=11.188, P=0.001 ), having heard of HPV vaccine ( χ2=14.548, P<0.001 ), awareness of HPV and related diseases ( χ2=16.855, P<0.001 ) and awareness of HPV vaccine ( χ2=19.299, P<0.001 ). Conclusions The awareness of HPV and HPV vaccines and the willingness to HPV vaccination are low among male university students in Tongzhou District. Improving the correct recognition of HPV and HPV vaccines and the access to vaccination services are helpful to improve the willingness to HPV vaccination among male university students.
Key wordsmale university student    human papillomavirus    vaccine    awareness    willingness to vaccination
收稿日期: 2022-02-15      修回日期: 2022-03-20      出版日期: 2022-06-10
中图分类号:  R186  
作者简介: 石晶,硕士,主管医师,主要从事疫苗可预防传染病的预防控制研究、免疫规划工作
通信作者: 张国峰,   
石晶, 赵春艳, 张国峰. 通州区男大学生HPV疫苗认知及接种意愿调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(6): 571-576.
SHI Jing, ZHAO Chunyan, ZHANG Guofeng. Awareness of HPV and willingness to HPV vaccination among male university students in Tongzhou District. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(6): 571-576.
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