Prevalence of comorbid chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and osteoporosis among residents aged 40 years and older in Zhangjiagang City
SHEN Lamei1, WANG Linchi1, DU Guoming2, ZHANG Jun1, QIU Jing2, ZHU Xiaowei2, LU Yan1
1. Department of Chronic Disease Control, Suzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004, China; 2. Zhangjiagang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence of comorbid chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and osteoporosis (OP) and its influencing factors among residents aged 40 years and older in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, so as to provide insights into prevention of comorbid COPD and OP. Methods Permanent residents aged 40 years and older were sampled using a multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method in Zhangjiagang City in 2019, and their pulmonary functions and bone mineral density were measured. The prevalence of comorbid COPD with OP was estimated. The demographic features, smoking, diet, exercises and physical examinations were collected, and factors affecting the prevalence of comorbid COPD with OP were identified using a logistic regression model. Results Totally 3 140 subjects were enrolled, including 1 315 men (41.88%) and 1 825 women (58.12%), and a mean age of (62.89±9.13) years. A total of 137 subjects were detected with comorbid COPD and OP, with prevalence of 4.36%. The patients with COPD alone included 19 cases with mild, 133 cases with moderate, 87 cases with severe and 26 cases with very severe COPD, and the patients with comorbid COPD and OP included 10 cases with mild, 56 cases with moderate, 56 cases with severe and 15 cases with very severe COPD. The grade of pulmonary functions was higher in patients with comorbid COPD and OP than in patients with COPD alone (Z=-12.304, P<0.001). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified ages of 65 years and older (OR=2.703, 95%CI: 1.862-3.923), women (OR=2.897, 95%CI: 1.915-4.384) and physical labor (OR=1.540, 95%CI: 1.083-2.189) as factors affecting the development of comorbid COPD and OP. Conclusion The prevalence of comorbid COPD and OP was 4.36% among residents at ages of 40 years and older in Zhangjiagang City, and moderate and severe degree was the predominant grade of pulmonary functions. The elderly, women and physical labors are at a high risk of developing comorbid COPD and OP.
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