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预防医学  2023, Vol. 35 Issue (8): 645-648    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2023.08.001
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王璇1, 刘社兰2, 曹艳丽2, 孙琬琬2, 丰燕2, 凌锋2
1.宁波大学医学部,浙江 宁波 315211;
2.浙江省疾病预防控制中心,浙江 杭州 310051
Epidemiological characteristics of influenza outbreaks in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022
WANG Xuan1, LIU Shelan2, CAO Yanli2, SUN Wanwan2, FENG Yan2, LING Feng2
1. Health Science Center, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315211, China;
2. Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
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摘要 目的 了解2013—2022年浙江省流行性感冒(流感)暴发疫情的流行特征,为预防和控制流感提供依据。方法 通过中国流感监测信息系统收集2013—2022年浙江省报告的流感暴发疫情资料,包括疫情发生时间、地区、涉及病例和病原类型,采用描述性流行病学方法分析流感暴发疫情的时间、空间和病原类型分布。结果 2013—2022年浙江省报告流感暴发疫情577起,涉及448 698人,其中发病23 974例,总罹患率为5.34%,无死亡病例报告。罹患率最低为0.26%,最高为80.00%,MQR)为10.89%(24.26%);疫情持续时间最短为1.00 d,最长为59.00 d,MQR)为9.00(11.00)d。11月至次年1月发生387起,占67.07%。杭州市(310起)、温州市(51起)、金华市(46起)疫情报告数居前三位。城市报告395起,占68.46%;县镇报告93起,占16.12%;农村报告89起,占15.42%。暴发场所以小学为主,487起占84.40%。病原类型交替流行,以B型和A/H3N2型为主,分别为241起和232起,占41.77%和40.21%。结论 2013—2022年浙江省流感暴发疫情在冬季流行,小学为主要暴发场所,病原类型以B型和A/H3N2型为主。应加强学校流感样病例监测与报告,提高流感疫苗接种率,预防流感暴发流行。
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关键词 流行性感冒暴发疫情流行特征浙江省    
AbstractObjective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of influenza outbreaks in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, so as to provide insights into influenza prevention and control. Methods Data pertaining to influenza outbreaks reported in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022 were collected from National Influenza Surveillance System in China, including time, region, cases and pathogen types of influenza outbreaks. The temporal, spatial and pathogen distribution of influenza outbreaks were analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 577 influenza outbreaks involving 448 698 individuals were reported in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, and the overall attack rate was 5.34% (23 974 cases), with no death reported. The lowest attack rate of influenza was 0.26%, and the highest was 80.00%, with a median attack rate of 10.89% (interquartile range, 24.26%). The outbreak had the shortest duration of 1.00 day, and the longest duration of 59.00 days, with a median duration of 9.00 (interquartile range, 11.00) days. There were 387 influenza outbreaks that occurred between November and January of the following year (67.07%), and the three highest numbers of outbreaks were reported in Hangzhou City (310 outbreaks), Wenzhou City (51 outbreaks) and Jinhua City (46 outbreaks). There were 395 outbreaks reported in urban regions (68.46%), 93 in counties and townships (16.12%) and 89 in rural regions (15.42%), and influenza outbreaks predominantly occurred in primary schools (487 outbreaks, 84.40%). In addition, the types of pathogens were alternately prevalent, with influenza B virus (241 outbreaks, 41.77%) and A/H3N2 virus (232 outbreaks, 40.21%) as predominant subtypes. Conclusions Influenza outbreaks mainly occurred in winter in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, and primary schools were main places of influenza outbreaks, while influenza B virus and A/H3N2 virus were predominant subtypes. It is necessary to reinforce the surveillance and report of influenza-like illness in schools and improve the coverage of influenza vaccination to prevent influenza outbreaks.
Key wordsinfluenza    outbreak    epidemiological characteristics    Zhejiang Province
收稿日期: 2023-04-18      修回日期: 2023-07-05      出版日期: 2023-08-10
中图分类号:  R373.1  
通信作者: 凌锋,   
作者简介: 王璇,硕士研究生在读
王璇, 刘社兰, 曹艳丽, 孙琬琬, 丰燕, 凌锋. 2013—2022年浙江省流行性感冒暴发疫情流行特征[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(8): 645-648.
WANG Xuan, LIU Shelan, CAO Yanli, SUN Wanwan, FENG Yan, LING Feng. Epidemiological characteristics of influenza outbreaks in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(8): 645-648.
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