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预防医学  2023, Vol. 35 Issue (7): 587-590    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2023.07.008
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朱家姝1,2 综述, 关素珍1,2 审校
1.宁夏医科大学公共卫生学院,宁夏 银川 750004;
2.宁夏环境因素与慢性病控制重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750004
Association between stressful life events during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a review
ZHU Jiashu1,2, GUAN Suzhen1,2
1. School of Public Health, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China;
2. Ningxia Key Laboratory of Environmental Factors and Chronic Disease Control, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China
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摘要 提高出生人口素质是世界各国重视的健康发展战略,早产、低出生体重和小于胎龄儿等不良妊娠结局是围产儿死亡和残疾的主要原因。本文收集2007—2023年国内外关于孕期应激性生活事件与不良妊娠结局关系的研究文献,对孕期应激性生活事件与早产、低出生体重、小于胎龄儿等不良妊娠结局的关系及其潜在生物学机制进行综述,发现孕期应激性生活事件与不良妊娠结局相关,但机制尚不明确,主要涉及神经内分泌调节、炎症反应和微生物群途径,提出应关注应激性生活事件与不良妊娠结局关系的关键窗口期研究,并深入开展相关研究阐明不良妊娠结局发生机制,为减少不良妊娠结局的发生提供依据。
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关键词 孕期应激性生活事件不良妊娠结局    
Abstract:Improving the quality of newborns is a health development strategy, which has attracted global attention. Adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth, low birth weight and small for gestational age, are major causes of perinatal mortality and disability. Based on review of international and national publications pertaining to associations between stressful life events during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes from 2007 to 2023, this review summarizes the correlation between stressful life events during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth, low birth weight and small for gestational age, and describes the underlying biological mechanisms. Previous studies have demonstrated the associations between maternal stressful life events during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the underlying mechanisms mainly include neuroendocrine regulation, inflammation and microbiota pathways; however, the exact mechanisms remain unclear until now. Further studies to identify the critical window period for the association between stressful life events and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and unravel the pathogenesis of adverse pregnancy outcomes are warranted, so as to provide insights into reduction of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Key wordspregnancy    stressful life events    adverse pregnancy outcome
收稿日期: 2023-02-24      修回日期: 2023-06-07      出版日期: 2023-07-10
中图分类号:  R714.2  
基金资助:国家自然科学基金地区基金(82260647); 宁夏自然科学基金(2022AAC02030)
通信作者: 关素珍,   
作者简介: 朱家姝,硕士研究生在读
朱家姝, 关素珍. 孕期应激性生活事件与不良妊娠结局关系的研究进展[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(7): 587-590.
ZHU Jiashu, GUAN Suzhen. Association between stressful life events during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a review. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(7): 587-590.
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