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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (3): 316-320    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.03.021
  健康教育 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
谢璐, 张欣悦, 谭若云, 李晓强, 马海燕
杭州师范大学公共卫生学院,浙江 杭州 311121
Healthy City construction survey among residents living in Hangzhou City
XIE Lu, ZHANG Xinyue, TAN Ruoyun, LI Xiaoqiang, MA Haiyan
School of Public Health, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311121, China
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摘要 目的 了解杭州市居民对健康城市建设的知晓和参与情况,为提高居民健康城市建设参与度提供依据。方法 采用多阶段随机抽样方法,于2019年11月—2020年7月抽取杭州市江干区、萧山区和桐庐县的30个街道(镇)的15~75岁居民为调查对象,针对有代表性的10项杭州市健康城市建设活动进行知晓和参与情况的问卷调查。结果 发放问卷5 559份,有效问卷5 211份,问卷有效率为93.74%。调查对象年龄为(43.82±17.25)岁。男性2 280人,占43.75%;女性2 931人,占56.25%。杭州市健康城市建设居民标化总知晓率为81.73%,标化总参与率为48.58%。居民知晓率前三位是健康环境改造活动(92.67%)、采用公共交通出行(92.22%)和控烟行动(91.04%),后三位的是慢性病管理活动(75.57%)、妇幼保健活动(72.73%)和细胞工程(45.56%);居民参与率前三位是采用公共交通出行(74.59%)、健康环境改造活动(65.17%)和控烟行动(61.52%),后三位是慢性病管理活动(35.92%)、细胞工程(34.96%)和妇幼保健活动(33.20%)。结论 杭州市健康城市建设居民总体参与率较低,尤其是慢性病管理活动、妇幼保健活动和细胞工程的知晓率和参与率均较低。
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关键词 健康城市知晓率参与率杭州市    
AbstractObjective To investigate the awareness of and participation in Healthy City construction among residents in Hangzhou City, so as to provide insights into promotion of participation in Healthy City construction. Methods Residents at ages of 15 to 75 years were sampled using the multi-stage stratified random sampling method, from 30 townships in Jianggan, Xiaoshan and Tonglu counties of Hangzhou City from November 2019 to July 2020, and a questionnaire survey of 10 representative projects pertaining to Healthy City construction in Hangzhou City was performed to investigate the awareness of and participation in Healthy City construction. Results A total of 5 559 questionnaires were allocated, and 5 211 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 93.74%. The respondents had a mean age of ( 43.82±17.25 ) years, and included 2 280 males ( 43.75% ) and 2 931 females ( 56.25% ). The overall standardized awareness and participation rates of Healthy City construction were 81.73% and 48.58% among the respondents. The projects with the three highest awareness included healthy environment improvements ( 92.67% ), travelling by public transportation ( 92.22% ) and tobacco control action ( 91.04% ), while the projects with the three lowest awareness included chronic disease management ( 75.57% ), maternal and child healthcare ( 72.73% ) and “Healthy Cell” Program ( 45.56% ). The projects with the three highest participation rates included travelling by public transportation ( 74.59% ), healthy environment improvements ( 65.17% ), tobacco control action ( 61.52% ), while the projects with the three lowest participation rate included chronic disease management ( 35.92% ), “Healthy Cell” Program ( 34.96% ) and maternal and child healthcare ( 33.20% ). Conclusions The overall proportion of participation in Healthy City construction is low among residents in Hangzhou City, and notably, the awareness rate of and the proportion of participation in chronic disease management, maternal and child healthcare and “Healthy cell” Program are both low.
Key wordsHealthy City    awareness rate    participation rate    Hangzhou City
收稿日期: 2021-10-18      修回日期: 2022-01-04      出版日期: 2022-03-10
中图分类号:  R193  
通信作者: 马海燕,   
作者简介: 谢璐,硕士在读
谢璐, 张欣悦, 谭若云, 李晓强, 马海燕. 杭州市居民健康城市建设调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(3): 316-320.
XIE Lu, ZHANG Xinyue, TAN Ruoyun, LI Xiaoqiang, MA Haiyan. Healthy City construction survey among residents living in Hangzhou City. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(3): 316-320.
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