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预防医学  2020, Vol. 32 Issue (8): 795-799    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2020.08.009
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任向楠1, 杨月欣2
1.北京市营养源研究所,北京 100069;
Advances in dietary nutrition and immunity
REN Xiangnan*, YANG Yuexin
*Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources, Beijing 100069, China
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摘要 营养素是保证人体免疫系统正常运行的物质基础,对非特异性和特异性免疫均有重要作用。脂肪酸是合成免疫球蛋白等免疫物质的原料,并通过多种途径影响免疫功能;矿物元素和维生素主要通过刺激免疫细胞增殖和促进抗体形成来维持机体免疫力;植物化合物具有抗氧化作用;微生态制剂通过促进抗体生成,分泌有机酸破坏致病菌细胞壁和抗氧化作用提升免疫力。本文对脂肪酸、矿物元素、维生素、植物化合物和微生态制剂对免疫系统的作用进行综述,为指导合理膳食,增强免疫力提供依据。
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关键词 营养免疫脂肪酸矿物元素维生素植物化合物微生态制剂    
Abstract:Nutrients are the material bases for the normal function of the human immune system. They play important roles in both innate and adaptive immunity. Fatty acids are the raw materials for the synthesis of immunoglobulins and other immune substances, and affect the immune function in many ways. Vitamins and minerals maintain immunity by stimulating the proliferation of immune cells and promoting the formation of antibodies. Most phytochemicals have antioxidant effects. Microecologics could promote the formation of antibodies, secrete organic acids to destroy the cell wall of pathogenic bacteria, and play the antioxidant role to enhance immunity. This paper reviewed the effects of fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, phytochemical and microecologics on the immune system, in order to provide guidance for balanced diets and immunity improvement.
Key wordsnutrition    immunity    fatty acid    mineral    vitamin    phytochemical    microecologics
收稿日期: 2020-03-27      修回日期: 2020-04-23     
中图分类号:  R151.41  
作者简介: 任向楠,博士,副研究员,主要从事食物营养研究与慢性病营养干预工作
通信作者: 杨月欣,   
任向楠, 杨月欣. 膳食营养与免疫力研究进展[J]. 预防医学, 2020, 32(8): 795-799.
REN Xiangnan, YANG Yuexin. Advances in dietary nutrition and immunity. Preventive Medicine, 2020, 32(8): 795-799.
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