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预防医学  2019, Vol. 31 Issue (1): 33-37    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2019.01.008
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高守芝, 贺健梅, 郑军, 周艳君, 陈曦
湖南省疾病预防控制中心,湖南 长沙 410005
Evaluation on the quality of syphilis case reporting from hospitals in Hunan Province
GAO Shou-zhi, HE Jian-mei, ZHENG Jun, ZHOU Yan-jun, CHEN Xi
Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Changsha,Hunan 410005,China
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摘要 目的 评价湖南省医疗机构梅毒报告质量。方法 从国家传染病报告管理信息系统收集2010年和2017年湖南省126家二级乙等以上医疗机构报告的梅毒病例资料,依据WS 273—2018《梅毒诊断标准》和《性传播疾病临床诊疗与防治指南》核查梅毒病例网络报告原始信息、门诊或住院记录和实验室检测记录等,按不同年份、医疗机构级别、类型、科室评价梅毒报告诊断正确率和梅毒报告分期正确率。结果 湖南省126家医疗机构2010年报告梅毒8 947例,2017年报告梅毒13 552例,2017年梅毒诊断正确率和分期正确率分别为98.81%和98.66%,高于2010年的36.39%和36.10%(P<0.01)。省、市、县级医疗机构2017年梅毒诊断正确率分别为99.07%、99.20%和98.17%,分期正确率分别为98.91%、99.03%和97.99%,不同级别医疗机构梅毒诊断正确率和分期正确率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。综合性医院、中医院、妇幼保健院2017年梅毒诊断正确率分别为99.25%、96.92%和97.57%,分期正确率分别为99.13%、96.72%和97.30%,不同类型医疗机构梅毒诊断正确率和分期正确率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。皮肤科和非皮肤科2017年梅毒诊断正确率分别为99.13%和98.74%,分期正确率分别为99.02%和98.58%,皮肤科和非皮肤科梅毒诊断正确率和分期正确率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 湖南省医疗机构梅毒诊断正确率和分期正确率2017年较2010年明显提高,但医疗机构不同级别、类型之间仍存在差距。
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关键词 医疗机构梅毒病例报告诊断分期    
AbstractObjective To assess the quality of syphilis case reporting from hospitals in Hunan Province .Methods The syphilis cases reported by 126 middle second-class and above hospitals in the year 2010 and 2017 were retrieved from unified infectious case reporting network and compared with original reporting cards,medical records and laboratory testing records according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Syphilis (WS 273-2018)and the Guidelines for the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification were evaluated between different reporting years,types of hospitals,levels of hospitals and departments .Results There were 8 947 syphilis cases reported in 2010 and 13 552 syphilis cases reported in 2017. The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification were 98.81% and 98.66% in 2017,which were higher than 36.39% and 36.10% in 2010 (P<0.01). The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis in the provincial,municipal and county-level hospitals in 2017 were 99.07%,99.20% and 98.17%;the accuracy of syphilis classification were 98.91%,99.03% and 97.99%;the accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification were significantly different in different levels of hospitals(P<0.01). The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis in the general hospitals,traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and maternal & child health hospitals in 2017 were 99.25%,96.92% and 97.57%;the accuracy of syphilis classification were 99.13%,96.72% and 97.30%;the accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification were significantly different in different types of hospitals(P<0.01). The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis in the department of dermatology and non- dermatology in 2017 were 99.13% and 98.74%;the accuracy of syphilis classification were 99.02% and 98.58%;the accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification were not significantly different in different departments(P>0.05) .Conclusion The accuracy of syphilis diagnosis and classification have been improved in 2017,which varies in different levels and types of hospitals.
Key wordsHospital    Syphilis    Case report    Diagnosis    Classification
收稿日期: 2018-07-18      修回日期: 2018-10-22      出版日期: 2019-01-03
中图分类号:  R759.1  
通信作者: 陈曦,   
作者简介: 高守芝,本科,副主任护师,主要从事性病防制管理工作
高守芝, 贺健梅, 郑军, 周艳君, 陈曦. 湖南省医疗机构梅毒报告质量评价[J]. 预防医学, 2019, 31(1): 33-37.
GAO Shou-zhi, HE Jian-mei, ZHENG Jun, ZHOU Yan-jun, CHEN Xi. Evaluation on the quality of syphilis case reporting from hospitals in Hunan Province. Preventive Medicine, 2019, 31(1): 33-37.
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