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预防医学  2018, Vol. 30 Issue (7): 653-657    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2018.07.002
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辽宁省疾病预防控制中心,辽宁 沈阳 110005
Mid-term evaluation on the implementation of “China Syphilis Prevention and Control Plan(2010-2020)”in Liaoning Province
Liaoning Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shenyang,Liaoning 110005,China
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摘要 目的 中期评估辽宁省2010—2015年梅毒防治的效果和进展。方法 根据《中国预防与控制梅毒规划(2010—2020年)》中期评估指标,通过数据库检索和现场专题调查等方法收集资料,对梅毒防治保障措施的落实、防治工作开展和防治效果3个层面16项指标进行评估,并将评估结果与国家《梅毒预防与控制规划中期评估操作手册》中期工作指标进行比较。结果 保障措施落实层面,所有县(市、区)均建立了有效的梅毒防治工作机制,梅毒预防和诊疗服务专业技术人员相关知识和技术标准的掌握合格率(均>90%)已达到中期目标。防治工作开展层面,8个指标达到中期目标,未达到中期目标的4个指标为“暗娼人群梅毒防治知识知晓率”(87.57%)、“艾滋病咨询检测点和社区药物维持治疗门诊为梅毒抗体检测阳性者提供必要的转诊服务比例”(71.43%)、“感染梅毒的孕产妇接受规范诊疗服务的比例”(80.26%)和“感染梅毒的孕产妇所生婴儿接受规范诊疗服务的比例”(77.19%)。防治效果层面,一期和二期梅毒年报告发病率增长幅度已控制在5%以内,但先天梅毒报告发病率(69.13/10万活产数)尚未达到中期目标。结论 辽宁省2010—2015年梅毒防治工作效果明显,但仍存在转诊机制不完善、规范化医疗服务措施落实不到位等问题。
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关键词 梅毒梅毒规划中期评估    
AbstractObjective To assess the overall progress and effect of syphilis prevention and treatment in Liaoning Province from 2010 to 2015. Methods According to the mid-term evaluation indicators of“China Syphilis Prevention and Control Plan (2010-2020)”,sixteen indicators at three aspects of supporting measures,control work and control effects were evaluated. Data were collected through database retrieval and field special investigation,and results of the evaluation were respectively compared with the national mid-term target values. Results In the aspect of supporting measures,all of the counties and districts in Liaoning Province have established effective mechanisms for syphilis prevention and control,and the qualified rates of knowledge and technology for syphilis prevention and treatment service among professionals (all above 90%)have reached the mid-term goals. In the aspect of control work,eight of the twelve indicators reached the mid-term targets,but four indicators did not,which were the awareness rate of knowledge about syphilis prevention and control in female sex workers(87.57%),the proportion of referral service for people with postitive syphilis antibody provided by AIDS counseling and testing sites and community clinics of maintenance treatment(71.43%),the percentage of pregnant women with syphilis received standardized diagnosis and treatment(80.26%) and the percentage of babies of pregnant women with syphilis received standardized diagnosis and treatment(77.19%). In the aspect of control effects,the increase of the reported incidence of syphilis in the first and second phases has controlled within 5% per year,the reported incidence of prenatal syphilis has not yet reached the the mid-term target. Conclusion The syphilis prevention and control work in Liaoning Province from 2010 to 2015 has made great progress but with problems in referral service and standardized medical service.
Key wordsSyphilis    China Syphilis Preventien and Control Plan    Mid-term evaluation
中图分类号:  R759.1  
通信作者: 马宁,   
作者简介: 马宁,硕士,主管技师,主要从事艾滋病性病防制工作
马宁,阎涵,王莉. 辽宁省实施《中国预防与控制梅毒规划(2010—2020年)》中期评估结果[J]. 预防医学, 2018, 30(7): 653-657.
MA Ning,YAN Han,WANG Li. Mid-term evaluation on the implementation of “China Syphilis Prevention and Control Plan(2010-2020)”in Liaoning Province. Preventive Medicine, 2018, 30(7): 653-657.
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