Quality of life among 244 patients with occupational pneumoconiosis in Jinhua City
LUO Jinbin1, HE Xiaoqing1, CHEN Qiang1, GUO Zhen1, LUO Ziyi2
1. Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Jinhua Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321002, China; 2. Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310020, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the quality of life among patients with occupational pneumoconiosis in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into improving the quality of life among patients with occupational pneumoconiosis. Methods Patients with occupational pneumoconiosis in Jinhua City from 2009 to 2021 were retrieved from the National Occupational Disease and Health Risk Factors Monitoring Information System. Participants' demographics, diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, stage of pneumoconiosis, pulmonary function and medical expense were collected through questionnaire surveys, and the quality of life was measured using a Chinese version of the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). The quality of life was descriptively analyzed among patients with occupational pneumoconiosis by disease stage, pulmonary function, expense for disease diagnosis and treatment and educational level. Results A total of 244 patients with occupational pneumoconiosis were enrolled, including 225 men (92.21%). The participants had a mean age of (75.20±9.42) years, and mean duration from dust contact to pneumoconiosis onset of (13.11±9.89) years. The scores for physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role-emotional, and mental health were (64.03±31.22), (45.14±44.22), (56.34±26.60), (40.80±19.80), (59.14±17.35), (68.41±19.67), (47.03±44.08) and (61.15±17.06) points among patients with occupational pneumoconiosis, which were all lower than the national constant (P<0.05). Lower scores were measured for physical functioning [(31.17±23.40) points], bodily pain [(45.21±19.50) points] and vitality [(47.00±20.70) points] among patients with stage Ⅲ occupational pneumoconiosis, for physical functioning [(32.27±24.24) points], role-physical [(12.88±30.70) points], bodily pain [(37.44±20.43) points], general health [(14.76±17.17) points], vitality [(38.79±19.33) points], social functioning [(53.33±17.08) points], role-emotional [(9.09±26.71) points], and mental health [(53.21±17.25) points] among occupational pneumoconiosis patients with severe pulmonary function damages, and for physical functioning [(30.97±27.40) points], bodily pain [(37.77±24.34) points], general health [(19.10±18.62) points], vitality [(38.39±23.78) points], social functioning [(55.89±21.00) points] and mental health [(55.35±20.35) points] among occupational pneumoconiosis patients that had personal payments for pneumoconiosis diagnosis and treatment expenses exceeding 30% of annual household incomes, while higher scores were measured for physical functioning [(66.36±17.33) points] and role-physical [(59.09±45.10) points] among occupational pneumoconiosis patients with an educational level of high school and above (all P<0.05). Conclusions The quality of life was low among occupational pneumoconiosis patients in Jinhua City from 2009 to 2021. Stage of pneumoconiosis, pulmonary function, medical expenses and educational level were identified as factors affecting the quality of life among occupational pneumoconiosis patients in Jinhua City.
罗进斌, 何晓庆, 陈强, 郭震, 罗紫屹. 金华市244例职业性尘肺病患者生存质量调查[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(6): 517-521.
LUO Jinbin, HE Xiaoqing, CHEN Qiang, GUO Zhen, LUO Ziyi. Quality of life among 244 patients with occupational pneumoconiosis in Jinhua City. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(6): 517-521.
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