A cross-sectional study on prevalence of scoliosis among primary and middle school students in Jiaxing City
JIA Juanjuan1, LIN Yun1, ZHU Guoying1, HONG Xia1, SUN Yangming1, HE Haitao2, CHEN Liyan3, LI Yun4
1. Department of School Health, Jiaxing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314050, China; 2. Xiuzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000, China; 3. Jiashan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314100, China; 4. Pinghu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314200, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence of scoliosis among primary and middle school students in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, so as to provide insights into scoliosis control among children and adolescents. Methods Grade 4 to 6 primary school students and grade 1 to 3 junior high school students were recruited using a stratified cluster sampling method in Jiaxing City in 2019. Participants' demographic characteristics, dietary habits and nutritional status, physical activity, learning environments, reading and writing habits were collected using questionnaires. Scoliosis was screened through general examinations, forward bend test and scoliometer, and scoliosis was diagnosed with whole-spine X-ray scans in an erect position. The prevalence of scoliosis was descriptively analyzed among primary and middle school students. Results A total of 8 026 primary and middle school students were included, 7 304 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 91.00%. The respondents included 3 667 primary school students (50.21%) and 3 637 junior high school students (49.79%), and included 3 776 boys (51.70%) and 3 528 girls (48.30%). There were 659 participants with initial screening positive for scoliosis (9.02%), and the percentages of positive initial screening of thoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbar scoliosis were 2.93%, 4.56% and 4.56%, respectively. A higher percentage of positive initial screening of scoliosis was diagnosed among participants living in Pinghu City (10.45%), junior high school students (11.74%), girls (11.96%), students with a medical history of anemia (22.44%), students with less than 3 days of moderate-intensity physical activity in the past week (9.46%), students with less than 3 days of walking duration of over 10 minutes in the past week (10.18%), students with daily sitting duration of 5 hours and more in the past week (10.74%), students with their class seats exchanged every semester or month (10.28%), students with daily reading and writing duration of 3 hours and more after school (10.93%) and students with less than 10 cm distance from the chest at reading or writing to the edge of the table (9.67%) (all P<0.05). A total of 218 students received whole-spine X-ray scans in an erect position, 132 participants were definitively diagnosed as scoliosis (60.55%), and the estimated prevalence of scoliosis was 5.46%. Conclusion The percentage of positive initial screening of scoliosis was 9.02% among primary and middle school students in Jiaxing City. Gender, stage of learning, nutritional status, exercise frequency and habits of reading and writing may be factors affecting the development of scoliosis.
贾娟娟, 林云, 朱国英, 洪霞, 孙炀明, 何海涛, 陈丽艳, 李赟. 嘉兴市中小学生脊柱侧弯调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(8): 782-787.
JIA Juanjuan, LIN Yun, ZHU Guoying, HONG Xia, SUN Yangming, HE Haitao, CHEN Liyan, LI Yun. A cross-sectional study on prevalence of scoliosis among primary and middle school students in Jiaxing City. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(8): 782-787.
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