Factors affecting depressive symptoms among patients withcolorectal cancer in Chengdu City
NI Weigui1,2, YU Yong1,2, XIE Yue1,2, WANG Jingxuan1,2, CHEN Tingting1,2, YANG Chunxia1,2
1. West China School of Public Health and West China Fourth Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China; 2. Non-communicable Diseases Research Center, West China-PUMC C.C. Chen Institute of Health, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the factors affecting the depressive symptoms among patients with colorectal cancer in Chengdu City, so as to provide insights into mental health improvement among colorectal cancer patients. Methods Patients with colorectal cancer were enrolled from three hospitals in Chengdu City using the convenient sampling method. The basic information, life styles and cancer diagnosis and therapy were collected, and the depressive symptoms were evaluated using the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale ( SDS ). In addition, factors affecting the depressive symptoms were identified using the multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 384 patients with colorectal cancer were enrolled, including 247 men ( 64.32% ), and the subjects had a mean age of ( 57.47±11.39 ) years and a mean SDS score of 37.73±9.15. The detection rate of depressive symptoms was 15.36%. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that colorectal cancer patients with a history of radiotherapy had a high risk of developing depressive symptoms ( OR=0.468, 95%CI: 0.245-0.895 ), while patients with alcohol consumption ( OR=0.407, 95%CI: 0.172-0.963 ) and drinking tea ( OR=0.470, 95%CI: 0.244-0.904 ) had a low risk of developing depressive symptoms. Conclusions The detection of depressive symptoms is 15.36% among patients with colorectal cancer in Chengdu City, and a history of radiotherapy, alcohol consumption and drinking tea affect the development of depressive symptoms among patients with colorectal cancer.
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