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预防医学  2016, Vol. 28 Issue (12): 1221-1225    
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汪凌霄1, 李勇杰1, 李红2
1. 绍兴市中心医院内分泌科,浙江绍兴 312030;
A study on the association between nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseand the levels of sex hormones among patientswith type 2 diabetes mellitus
WANG Ling-xiao, LI Yong-jie, LI Hong
Department of Endocrinology, Shaoxing Central Hospital,Shaoxing,Zhejiang 312030, China,
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摘要 目的 了解2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)与性激素水平的关系。方法 选取2010年3月—2013年10月在绍兴市中心医院内分泌科住院的T2DM患者256例,根据是否合并NAFLD分为NAFLD组和非NAFLD组,比较两组患者性激素和糖脂代谢指标水平差异,采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析T2DM患者NAFLD患病的影响因素。结果 256例T2DM患者的NAFLD检出率为56.25%,男性检出率为59.15%,女性为52.63%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。男性患者中,NAFLD组睾酮(T)水平为(3.78±1.13)ng/mL,低于非NAFLD组的(4.61±1.55)ng/mL(P<0.05);NAFLD组雌二醇(E2)水平为(22.24±12.88)pg/mL,高于非NAFLD组的(17.84±8.72)pg/mL(P<0.05)。女性患者中,NAFLD组E2水平为(19.83±8.61)pg/mL,低于非NAFLD组的(26.32±16.85)pg/mL(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,T(OR=0.660,95%CI:0.495~0.880)和E2(OR=0.958,95%CI:0.922~0.996)水平分别是男、女性T2DM患者患NAFLD的保护因素,而E2(OR=1.042,95%CI:1.001~1.085)水平是男性T2DM患者患NAFLD的危险因素。结论 T2DM合并NAFLD患者存在性激素紊乱;T和E2分别是男、女T2DM患者患NAFLD的保护因素。
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关键词 2型糖尿病非酒精性脂肪性肝病性激素胰岛素抵抗    
AbstractObjective To explore the association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) and the levels of sex hormones among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods The prevalence of NAFLD in 256 patients in Shaoxing Central Hospital from Match 2010 to October 2013 with type 2 diabetes were calculated. According to with or without NAFLD, the T2DM patients were divided into NAFLD group and non-NAFLD group. The levels of sex hormones, glucose and lipid were detected. The difference between the two groups was compared and the relationship between NAFLD and sex hormone were explored. Results The prevalence rate of NAFLD in patients with type 2 diabetes was 56.25%, but the prevalence of NAFLD was not different between different genders. Patients with NAFLD have obvious sex hormone disorder, and testosterone(T) in NAFLD group were lower than those in non-NAFLD group and estradiol (E2) in NAFLD group were higher than those in non-NAFLD group among males.E2in NAFLD group were lower than those in non-NAFLD group among females.Further logisitic regression analysis showed that T and E2were protective factors of NAFLD in males and females, while E2was the risk factors of NAFLD in males. Conclusion For patients with NAFLD in type 2 diabetes, the dominant sex hormone is a protective factor for the formation of NAFLD.
Key wordsType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)    Sex hormones    Insulin resistance
收稿日期: 2016-03-19          
中图分类号:  R587.1  
通信作者: 李红,   
作者简介: 汪凌霄,本科,副主任医师,主要从事内分泌临床研究工作
汪凌霄, 李勇杰, 李红. 2型糖尿病患者非酒精性脂肪性肝病与性激素水平的关系[J]. 预防医学, 2016, 28(12): 1221-1225.
WANG Ling-xiao, LI Yong-jie, LI Hong. A study on the association between nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseand the levels of sex hormones among patientswith type 2 diabetes mellitus. Preventive Medicine, 2016, 28(12): 1221-1225.
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