Factors affecting the treatment of syphilis infection among pregnant and lying-in women in Zhejiang Province
CHEN Yinwei1, LIN Dan1, YAO Qiang2, ZHANG Xiaohui1
1. Department of Women's Health, Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China; 2. Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610044, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the current status of syphilis treatment and its influencing factors among pregnant and lying-in women in Zhejiang Province, so as to promote the standardized treatment for pregnant and lying-in women with syphilis. Methods The sociodemographic characteristics ( age, educational level, ethnicity, marital status, occupation ), fertility ( gravidity, parity, number of children, and adverse pregnancy history ), gestational week at the first antenatal care visit and syphilis treatment ( treatment or not, standardized treatment or not, and antibody titer ) were collected from the pregnant and lying-in women with syphilis infections delivered in Zhejiang Province in 2018, based on the Zhejiang Provincial Information Management System for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of AIDS, Syphilis and Hepatitis B. Factors affecting the treatment of syphilis infections were identified using a structural-equation model. Results A total of 2 061 pregnant and lying-in women with syphilis infections were included, with a median age of 29 years and a mean gestational week at the first antenatal care visit of ( 14.33±11.85 ) weeks, and there were 844 women ( 40.95% ) diagnosed in early pregnancy ( <13 weeks of gestational age ). There were 1 978 cases ( 95.97% ) receiving syphilis treatment, and 1 616 cases ( 78.41% ) received standardized treatment. The structural-equation modeling analysis showed that the gestational age at the first antenatal care visit and fertility had direct impacts on the treatment of syphilis infections among pregnant and lying-in women, with standardized path coefficients of -0.187 and -0.157 (both P<0.05 ), respectively, and the sociodemographic characteristics affected the treatment of syphilis through the mediating role of fertility, with a standardized path coefficient of 0.070 ( P<0.05 ). Conclusions The proportion of syphilis treatment is more than 95% among pregnant and lying-in women in Zhejiang Province, which achieves the required process criteria for validation of elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Gestational week at the first antenatal care visit, fertility status, and sociodemographic characteristics are factors affecting the treatment syphilis infections during pregnancy.
陈银炜, 林聃, 姚强, 张晓辉. 浙江省梅毒感染孕产妇梅毒治疗的影响因素研究[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(4): 330-334.
CHEN Yinwei, LIN Dan, YAO Qiang, ZHANG Xiaohui. Factors affecting the treatment of syphilis infection among pregnant and lying-in women in Zhejiang Province. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(4): 330-334.
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