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预防医学  2020, Vol. 32 Issue (10): 1004-1009    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2020.10.008
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夏勇1, 徐彩菊1, 鹿伟1, 宋燕华1, 董晓岚2, 傅剑云1, 郑小燕1
1.浙江省疾病预防控制中心,浙江 杭州 310051;
Study on pigmentation in the livers and kidneys of rats caused by a compound Chinese medicine preparationXIA
Yong*, XU Caiju, LU Wei, SONG Yanhua, DONG Xiaolan, FU Jianyun, ZHENG Xiaoyan
*Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
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摘要 目的 分析某复方中药制剂引起大鼠肝、肾色素沉积的色素类别及形成原因。方法 设低、中、高剂量组及对照组,分别给予1.0、2.0、4.0 g/kgbw某复方中药制剂及蒸馏水,连续灌胃30 d,分析各组SD大鼠的体重、饮食、血液和病理组织学等与色素代谢相关的指标变化。结果 实验第1、2周,低、中、高剂量组和对照组大鼠未见异常症状体征,第3周末起,高剂量组大鼠活动减少,尿液颜色浓黄偏绿,粪便颜色变浅。实验期内无大鼠死亡。各组大鼠体重和体重增重差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各组大鼠总食物利用率、直接胆红素、r-谷氨酰转移酶、碱性磷酸酶水平和肝体比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。大体检查发现高剂量组大鼠肝、肾色泽灰暗偏绿;镜下检查发现高剂量组大鼠肝、肾细胞内均可见深色色素颗粒沉积等改变;组织化学染色证明肝、肾内色素沉积为胆色素。结论 在4.0 g/kgbw剂量水平下,某复方中药制剂可引起大鼠肝、肾胆色素沉积,胆色素沉积的主要原因是胆汁淤积。
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关键词 中药制剂栀子色素沉积胆色素    
AbstractObjective To explore the cause and type of pigmentation in the livers and kidneys of rats caused by a compound Chinese medicine preparation. Methods The experiment consist of low, medium, and high dose groups and a control group, the Sprague-Dawley rats in these groups were orally given 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g/kgbw of a compound Chinese medicine preparation of gardenia and distilled water for 30 days, respectively. The body weight, diet, hematology and histopathology of the rats in each group were observed for changes in pigment metabolism. Results In the first and second weeks of the experiment, the rats in the low, medium, high dose groups and the control group showed no abnormal symptoms or signs. From the third weekend, the urine of the rats in the high dose group turned thick yellow and green, and the stool color became light. During the experiment, no rats died. There were statistically significant differences in body weights and weight gains among these groups ( P<0.05 ) . There were statistically significant differences in total food utilization, direct bilirubin, r-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, and liver/body ratios among these groups ( P<0.05 ). Gross examination revealed that the livers and kidneys of rats in the high dose group were dull and green. Microscopic examination revealed changes in dark pigment particles in the livers and kidneys of rats in the high dose group. Histochemical staining confirmed that pigments in the livers and kidneys were bile pigments. Conclusions At a dosage of 4.0 g/kgbw, a compound Chinese medicine preparation of gardenia can lead to bile pigment deposition in the livers and kidneys of rats due to cholestasis.
Key wordstraditional Chinese medicine preparation    gardenia    pigmentation    bile pigment
收稿日期: 2019-12-12      修回日期: 2020-02-12     
中图分类号:  R758.42  
通信作者: 傅剑云,   
作者简介: 夏勇,本科,主任技师,主要从事卫生毒理学工作
夏勇, 徐彩菊, 鹿伟, 宋燕华, 董晓岚, 傅剑云, 郑小燕. 某复方中药制剂引起大鼠肝肾色素沉积的研究[J]. 预防医学, 2020, 32(10): 1004-1009.
Yong, XU Caiju, LU Wei, SONG Yanhua, DONG Xiaolan, FU Jianyun, ZHENG Xiaoyan. Study on pigmentation in the livers and kidneys of rats caused by a compound Chinese medicine preparationXIA. Preventive Medicine, 2020, 32(10): 1004-1009.
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