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预防医学  2023, Vol. 35 Issue (8): 721-725    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2023.08.017
  卫生管理 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
宋隽清1,2, 赵玉明1,2, 石文惠1,2
1.中国疾病预防控制中心慢病和老龄健康管理处,北京 102206;
2.全民健康生活方式行动国家行动办公室,北京 102206
Analysis of Chinese elderly health policies based on policy tools
SONG Junqing1,2, ZHAO Yuming1,2, SHI Wenhui1,2
1. Department of Non-Communicable Diseases and Ageing Health Management, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China;
2. National Action Office for the Action on a Healthy Lifestyle for All, Beijing 102206, China
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摘要 目的 基于政策工具分析2018—2022年我国老年健康相关政策文件,为完善老年健康相关政策,推进健康老龄化提供参考。方法 以“老年”“老龄化”“老年健康”等关键词在“北大法宝”、国务院政策文件库和相关部委门户网站检索公开发布的老年健康相关政策文件,采用内容分析法对文件进行编码,提取关键词。基于Rothwell和Zegveld的政策工具分类理论和系统论维度理论构建二维分析框架,分析政策工具使用情况。结果 收集2018—2022年我国老年人健康相关政策文件57份,其中通知44份,意见7份,规定、制度、法规、通告、函和联合宣言各1份。由国家卫生健康委员会及其司、局发文37份,占64.91%。文件高频关键词为“医疗卫生机构”“老年健康”“康复/护理”“社区/基层/农村”“试点”“中医药”“宣传”“规范”。文件编码413条,政策工具维度中的供给型、环境型和需求型政策工具分别占52.54%、31.72%和15.74%;供给型政策工具中,公共卫生与医疗服务(19.61%)和科普宣传(7.99%)使用较多;环境型政策工具中,法规与管理制度(7.99%)使用较多;需求型政策工具中,试点/示范项目(5.33%)使用较多。系统论维度外部指标和内部指标分别占48.18%和51.82%;外部指标中政治系统(17.19%)和技术系统(16.46%)使用较多;内部指标使用集中在服务系统(35.60%)。结论 2018—2022年我国老年人健康相关政策重点在于公共卫生与医疗服务等供给型政策;建议增加需求型政策工具的运用,优化供给型、环境型政策工具内部构成。
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关键词 老年健康政策工具文本分析    
AbstractObjective To analyze Chinese elderly health policy documents from 2018 to 2022 based on policy tools, so as to provide insights into improving elderly health policies and promoting healthy aging. Methods Elderly health policy documents were retrieved from “the magic weapon of Peking University”, the policy document database of the State Council and portal websites of relevant ministries and commissions using keywords “elderly”, “aging” and “elderly health”. The documents were encoded using content analysis and keywords were extracted. A two-dimensional analysis framework was constructed based on Rothwell and Zegveld's classification framework and dimension theory, and the use of policy tools was analyzed. Results Totally 57 Chinese elderly health policy documents were collected from 2018 to 2022, including 44 notices, 7 opinions, one rule, one regulation, one law, one announcement, one letter and one joint declaration. There were 37 documents (64.91%) issued by National Health Commission and its departments and offices. The high-frequency keywords in the documents included “medical and healthcare institutions”, “elderly health”, “rehabilitation/nursing”, “community/grassroots/rural”, “pilot”, “traditional Chinese medicine”, “propaganda” and “standardization”. There were 413 document codes, and the supply-, environment- and demand-side policy tools accounted for 52.54%, 31.72% and 15.74%, respectively. Public health and medical services (19.61%) and science popularization (7.99%) were the most commonly used supply-side policy tools, law/regulations and administration systems (7.99%) was the most commonly used environment-side policy tools, while pilot/demonstration projects (5.33%) was the most commonly used demand-side policy tools. The external and internal indicators of the system dimensions accounted for 48.18% and 51.82%, and political system (17.19%) and technical system (16.46%) were the two most commonly used external indicators, while service system (35.60%) was the most commonly used internal indicator. Conclusions Chinese elderly health policies focused on supply-side policies from 2018 to 2022, such as public health and medical services. The use of demand-side policy tools is recommended to be increased and the internal composition of supply- and environment-side policy tools are recommended to be optimized.
Key wordselderly health    policy tool    text analysis
收稿日期: 2023-05-08      修回日期: 2023-07-09      出版日期: 2023-08-10
中图分类号:  R197  
通信作者: 石文惠,   
作者简介: 宋隽清,硕士,研究实习员,主要从事老年健康政策研究和心理健康促进工作
宋隽清, 赵玉明, 石文惠. 基于政策工具的我国老年健康相关政策分析[J]. 预防医学, 2023, 35(8): 721-725.
SONG Junqing, ZHAO Yuming, SHI Wenhui. Analysis of Chinese elderly health policies based on policy tools. Preventive Medicine, 2023, 35(8): 721-725.
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