Factors affecting the willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccination
CHEN Jian1, REN Feilin2, GUO Congcong3, LIN Junfen4
1. Department of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention,Luqiao District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318050, China; 2. Huzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Huzhou, Zhejiang 316000, China; 3. Jiaojiang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318000, China; 4. Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccination and its influencing factors among individuals that missed the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine in Zhejiang Province, so as to provide the evidence for improving the strategy for COVID-19 vaccination. Methods Individuals that did not receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine after 56 days of getting the first dose (missed individuals) from March and May, 2021, were randomly sampled from Zhejiang Provincial SaaS Vaccination Information System. Their basic information, status of getting the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine and willingness to receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine were collected through telephone interviews. The factors affecting the willingness to receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine were identified among the missed individuals using a multivariable logistic regression model. Results Totally 562 individuals were investigated, and there were 292 (51.96%) valid respondents. There were 54 actual missed individuals, with a mean age of (40.91±16.75) years, which included 39 men (72.22%) and 15 women (27.78%). Of all missed individuals, 23 had an educational level of junior high school and below (42.59%). The mean duration from the time of investigation to the time of getting the first dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine was (137±28) days. A half of the missed individuals were willing to receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed high willingness to receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine among the missed individuals with requirements of vaccination in the workplace (OR=5.393, 95%CI: 1.112-26.152) and low willingness among the missed individuals that felt physical discomfort after receiving the first dose (OR=0.168, 95%CI: 0.035-0.806). Conclusions The willingness to receive the second dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine was low among the missed individuals, and high willingness is seen among the missed individuals with requirements of vaccination in the workplace and without physical discomfort after receiving the first dose of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine.
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