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预防医学  2022, Vol. 34 Issue (3): 311-315,320    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2022.03.020
  妇幼保健 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
卢永莉1,2, 毛宝宏2, 王惠玲2, 蒲巍林2, 王燕侠2, 王剑2, 刘青2
1.甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院,甘肃 兰州 730000;
2.甘肃省妇幼保健院,甘肃 兰州 730050
Health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence among adult women in Gansu Province
LU Yongli1,2, MAO Baohong2, WANG Huiling2, PU Weilin2, WANG Yanxia2, WANG Jian2, LIU Qing2
1. The First Clinical Medical College of University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China;
2. Gansu Provincial Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050, China
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摘要 目的 了解甘肃省成年女性尿失禁就医意向,为防治女性尿失禁提供依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取甘肃省8个社区和8个农村居住至少1年的≥20岁女性为调查对象,于2019年10月—2020年2月通过入户调查收集人口学信息、尿失禁情况和就医意向等资料并进行描述性分析。结果 发放问卷3 580份,回收3 485份,回收率为97.35%。调查对象年龄为(51.18±17.13)岁。城市1 759人,占50.47%;农村1 726人,占49.53%。自评有尿失禁1 150例,尿失禁率为33.00%。其中,压力性尿失禁340例,占29.57%;急迫性尿失禁78例,占6.78%;混合性尿失禁732例,占63.65%。尿失禁女性倾向就医率为41.57%,压力性、急迫性、混合性尿失禁女性倾向就医率分别为51.76%、39.74%和37.02%。尿失禁女性倾向就医率随家庭人均月收入、漏尿频率增加呈下降趋势,随文化程度增加呈上升趋势(P<0.05);城市高于农村(53.63% vs. 31.98%),脑力劳动者高于体力劳动者(60.81% vs. 40.24%),已婚者高于离异/丧偶者(44.33% vs. 23.53%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 甘肃省成年女性尿失禁就医意向不高;年龄、职业、居住地、文化程度、收入、婚姻状况和漏尿频率可能影响女性尿失禁就医意向。
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关键词 尿失禁就医意向成年女性    
AbstractObjective To investigate the health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence among adult women in Gansu Province, so as to provide insights into the management of female urinary incontinence. Methods Women at ages of 20 years and older who lived in 8 communities and 8 villages of Gansu Province for at least one year were recruited using the multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method. A face-to-face questionnaire survey was conducted from October 2019 to February 2020, and the demographic features, urinary incontinence status and health-seeking intention were collected and descriptively analyzed. Results A total of 3 580 questionnaires were allocated and 3 485 were recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.35%. The respondents had a mean age of ( 51.18±17.13 ) years, with 1 759 respondents ( 50.47% ) that lived in urban areas, and 1 726 ( 49.53% ) that lived in rural areas. There were 1 150 respondents with self-reported urinary incontinence ( 33.00% prevalence ), including 340 cases with stress urinary incontinence ( 29.57% ), 78 cases with urge urinary incontinence ( 6.78% ) and 732 cases with mixed urinary incontinence ( 63.65% ). The overall proportion of health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence was 41.57%, and the proportions of health-seeking intention were 51.76%, 39.74% and 37.02% for stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence, respectively. The proportion of health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence appeared a tendency towards a decline with the increase in household monthly income per capita and frequency of urinary leakage, and appeared a tendency towards a rise with the increase in educational levels ( P<0.05 ). In addition, a higher proportion of health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence was seen in women living in urban areas than in rural areas (5 3.63% vs. 31.98%, P<0.05 ), and a higher proportion was found in women with mental labors than in those with physical labors ( 60.81% vs. 40.24%, P<0.05 ), while a higher proportion was found in married women than in divorced or widowed women ( 44.33% vs. 23.53%, P<0.05 ). Conclusions There is a low proportion of health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence among adult women in Gansu Province. Age, occupation, place of residence, educational level, income, marital status, and frequency of urine leakage may affect the intention to seek medical care for urinary incontinence among adult women.
Key wordsurinary incontinence    health-seeking intention    adult women
收稿日期: 2021-10-25      修回日期: 2021-12-24      出版日期: 2022-03-10
中图分类号:  R694.54  
基金资助:甘肃省重点研发计划项目(21YF1FA049,17FY1FA109); 妇科重大疾病的治疗干预研究(2017-I2M-1-002)
通信作者: 刘青,   
作者简介: 卢永莉,硕士,主治医师,主要从事女性盆底学和妇科肿瘤研究
卢永莉, 毛宝宏, 王惠玲, 蒲巍林, 王燕侠, 王剑, 刘青. 甘肃省成年女性尿失禁就医意向调查[J]. 预防医学, 2022, 34(3): 311-315,320.
LU Yongli, MAO Baohong, WANG Huiling, PU Weilin, WANG Yanxia, WANG Jian, LIU Qing. Health-seeking intention for urinary incontinence among adult women in Gansu Province. Preventive Medicine, 2022, 34(3): 311-315,320.
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