Prevalence of dyslipidemia and its influencing factors in rural residents aged 40 years and over in Liaoning Province
JING Li*, ZHANG Boqiang, TIAN Yuanmeng, YAN Han, JIANG Haiqiang, LIU Da, LIU Shuang, LIN Min, YANG Zuosen, XING Liying
Department of Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention,Liaoning Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shenyang ,Liaoning 110005,China
Abstract:Objective To understand the prevalence and influencing factors of dyslipidemia in the residents aged 40 years and over in the rural areas of Liaoning Province,so as to provide basis for the development of targeted prevention and control measures.Methods From September 2017 to May 2018,by stratified cluster random sampling method,the residents aged 40 years or above from 19 villages in Liaoning Province were selected. Demographic features,height,weight,blood pressure and lipid level were collected. A logistic regression model was applied to explore the influencing factors for dyslipidemia.Results A total of 10 926 residents were recruited,with an average age of (59.97±10.08)years. The crude and standardized prevalence rate of dyslipidemia was 30.96% and 29.68%. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that women(OR=1.323,95%CI:1.189-1.473),50-69 years old(OR:1.238-1.333,95%CI:1.075-1.523),a high school education or below(OR:0.585-0.635,95%CI:0.439-0.842),hypertension(OR=1.398,95%CI:1.273-1.534),diabetes(OR=2.137,95%CI:1.918-2.381),overweight or obesity(OR=2.101,95%CI:1.916-2.303), meat-based meals(OR=1.306,95%CI:1.144-1.492)and vegetables intake less than 5 days a week(OR:1.169-1.387,95%CI:1.004-1.796) were associated with dyslipidemiais. Conclusions The prevalence rate of dyslipidemia was 30.96% in the rural residents aged 40 years and over in Liaoning Province. People who were females,who were 50-69 years old,and who suffered from hypertension,diabetes,overweight or obese,might take their lipid levels into consideration.
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JING Li, ZHANG Boqiang, TIAN Yuanmeng, YAN Han, JIANG Haiqiang, LIU Da, LIU Shuang, LIN Min, YANG Zuosen, XING Liying. Prevalence of dyslipidemia and its influencing factors in rural residents aged 40 years and over in Liaoning Province. Preventive Medicine, 2020, 32(5): 449-454.
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