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预防医学  2020, Vol. 32 Issue (5): 466-470    DOI: 10.19485/j.cnki.issn2096-5087.2020.05.008
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解艳红, 许瑛, 杨舒岚, 严静, 金肖青, 刘彩霞, 卢佩颖
浙江医院,浙江 杭州 310030
Awareness of palliative care and its influencing factors in community residents in Hangzhou
XIE Yanhong, XU Ying, YANG Shulan, YAN Jing, JIN Xiaoqing, LIU Caixia, LU Peiying
Zhejiang Hospital,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310030,China
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摘要 目的 了解杭州市社区居民安宁疗护认知水平,分析其影响因素,为开展安宁疗护服务提供依据。方法 采用便利抽样方法,选择杭州市西湖区城市居民和城乡接合部居民为调查对象,采用自行设计的问卷调查居民对安宁疗护的认知水平,采用有序多分类Logistic回归模型分析社区居民安宁疗护认知水平的影响因素。结果 共发放问卷530份,回收有效问卷519份,回收有效率为97.92%。男性227人,占43.74%;女性292人,占56.26%。比较了解安宁疗护43人,占8.29%;一般了解安宁疗护218人,占42.00%;不了解安宁疗护258人,占49.71%。了解安宁疗护主要通过电视和广播245人,占47.21%。居民认为安宁疗护不够普及的原因以缺乏安宁疗护相关知识为主,396人占76.30%。有序多分类Logistic回归分析结果显示,50~59岁(OR=0.467,95%CI:0.285~0.767),小学及以下文化程度(OR=2.248,95%CI:1.239~4.079)和有照护临终患者经历(OR=1.551,95%CI:1.094~2.199)是社区居民安宁疗护认知水平的影响因素。结论 杭州市社区居民安宁疗护认知水平较低,安宁疗护认知与居民年龄、文化程度和照护临终患者经历有关。
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关键词 安宁疗护认知影响因素    
AbstractObjective To understand the awareness of palliative care and its influencing factors in community residents in Hangzhou,so as to provide basis for the development of palliative care service. Methods By convenient sampling method,the residents in the urban-rural junction of Xihu District were recruited. A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate their awareness of palliative care. The logistic regression model was employed to analyze the influencing factors. Results A total of 519 questionnaires were recovered,with a response rate of 97.92%. There were 227 males and 292 females,accounting for 43.74% and 56.26%,respectively. There were 43,218 and 258 residents with more,basic and little understanding about palliative care, accounting for 8.29%,42.00% and 49.71%. The residents learned about palliative care mainly through television and radio,with 245 cases accounting for 47.21%;and they thought that the main reason for low awareness of palliative care was a lack of related knowledge,with 396 cases accounting for 76.30%. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that 50-59 years old(OR = 0.467,95% CI:0.285-0.767),primary school education and below(OR = 2.248,95%CI:1.239-4.079)and experience of caring for dying patients(OR = 1.551,95% CI:1.094-2.199)were the influencing factors for the awareness of palliative care. Conclusion The residents in Hangzhou had relatively low awareness of palliative care,which were associated with age,education level and experience of caring for dying patients.
Key wordspalliative care    awareness    influencing factors
收稿日期: 2019-08-12      修回日期: 2019-12-25      出版日期: 2020-05-10
中图分类号:  R197  
通信作者: 许瑛,   
作者简介: 解艳红,硕士,主管护师,主要从事老年病护理工作
解艳红, 许瑛, 杨舒岚, 严静, 金肖青, 刘彩霞, 卢佩颖. 杭州市社区居民安宁疗护认知及影响因素分析[J]. 预防医学, 2020, 32(5): 466-470.
XIE Yanhong, XU Ying, YANG Shulan, YAN Jing, JIN Xiaoqing, LIU Caixia, LU Peiying. Awareness of palliative care and its influencing factors in community residents in Hangzhou. Preventive Medicine, 2020, 32(5): 466-470.
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